TED演讲之身体语言 一个编舞者的现场创作过程(10)

So this is a mental picture, I’m describing a mental, vivid picture that enables dancers to make choices for themselves about what to make. 所以这是一个脑海中的画面,我在描述一幅生动的思维图画,让舞者能够自己决定要创造什么。 Okay, you can open your eyes if you had them closed. 好的,如果你一直闭着眼睛的话,现在可以睁开了。 So the dancers have been working ...

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TED演讲之身体语言 一个编舞者的现场创作过程(9)

So I’d like us just to do, we’re going to do a little mental dance, a little, in this little one minute, 所以我想让大家来体验一下,我们来做一个小小的思维的舞蹈,不多,只要短短一分钟, so what I’d love you to do is imagine, you can do this with your eyes closed, or open, and if you don’t want to do it you can watch them, it’s up to you. ...

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TED演讲之身体语言 一个编舞者的现场创作过程(5)

It’s a bit of a cross of my arm. 一些手臂的交叉。 So all I’m doing is exploring this space of “T” and flashing through it with some action. 我在做的仅仅是探索“T”的空间,通过一些动作穿梭于这个空间。 I’m not remembering what I’m doing. 我没有在记忆我做过的动作。 I’m just working on my task. My task is this “T.&...

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TED演讲之身体语言 一个编舞者的现场创作过程(8)

Okay, brilliant. Okay, here we go. From the beginning, can we do our phrases first? 好,非常好。好,我们开始。从头,我们可以先做我们的词语吗? And then that. And we’re going to build something now, organize it, the phrases. 然后再是那个。我们现在要组建一些东西,让它有条理地成为一个流畅的词语。 Here we go. Nice and slow? Ready and go…um. 我们开始。...

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TED演讲之身体语言 一个编舞者的现场创作过程(6)

So they’re solving this problem for me, having a little — They’re constructing that phrase. 他们在帮我解决这个问题,用一点——他们在组建那个词语。 They have something and they’re going to hold on to it, yeah? 他们有些信息,他们会抓住它。 One way of making. That’s going to be my beginning in this world premiere. 这是一种创造的方法。...

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TED演讲之身体语言 一个编舞者的现场创作过程(7)

So from there, from there, we’re both getting up, we’re both getting up, going in this direction, going underneath. 所以从那起,我们都站起来,我们都站起来,向这个方向走, 再从底下绕过去。 Whoa, whoa, underneath. Whoa, underneath, whoo-um. Yeah? Underneath. Jump. Underneath. Jump. Paolo, kick. 哇,哇,底下过去。 哇,下面走,喔。可以吗?下面走。跳。下面走...

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TED演讲之身体语言 一个编舞者的现场创作过程(2)

So for me, choreography is very much a process of physical thinking. 对我来说,编舞是一个用肢体思考的过程。 It’s very much in mind, as well as in body, and it’s a collaborative process. 不光存在于我们的思维中,也存在于我们的身体里,它是一个互相协作的过程。 It’s something that I have to do with other people. 这是需要与他人合作才能完成的。 ...

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TED演讲之身体语言 一个编舞者的现场创作过程(11)

Here it comes, Cat. Paolo, go. Last you solo. The one you made. 现在来,小凯。保罗,走。最后的独舞。你们编的那个。 Well done. Okay, good. Super. So– 太棒了。好的,很好,非常好。所以—— So–Thank you. So — three versions. 所以。谢谢。所以——三个版本。 Oh. Three versions of physical thinking, yeah? 哦。这就是三个版本的身体思考。 Three versions of physical thinki...

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TED演讲之身体语言 一个编舞者的现场创作过程(1)

As you might imagine, I’m absolutely passionate about dance. 你们能想象到,我对舞蹈充满了热情。 I’m passionate about making it, about watching it, about encouraging others to participate in it, and I’m also really passionate about creativity. 我热衷于编舞,看别人跳舞,鼓励他人参与到舞蹈中来,我同样对创造力充满了激情。 Creativity for me is something thatR...

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TED演讲之身体语言 一个编舞者的现场创作过程(4)

And I’m going to imagine this, you can do this too if you like, that I’m going to just take the letter “T” and I’m going to imagine it in mind, 我会想象,如果喜欢你也可以这么做, 我只取这个字母“T”,我要在我的脑海中想象它的形状, and I’m going to place that outside in the real world. 然后我把它呈现在外面的实体世界。 So I absolutely se...

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TED演讲之身体语言 一个编舞者的现场创作过程(3)

And what I thought I’d do is, I’d make a TED premiere. 我想我要做的是,办一个TED首演。 I’m not sure if this is going to be good or not. I just be doing it. 我不知道能不能成功。只要试试看。我只是做做看。 I thought what I’d do is, I’d use three versions of physical thinking to make something. 我想要用三种肢体思考的方法来做个什么东西。 I want to in...

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