特朗普每周电视讲话:建立美加联合理事会 与以色列共同对抗恐怖主义(3)

Actually, very exciting. 实际上,这非常让人兴奋。 The United States also reaffirmed our unbreakable bond this week with our cherished ally, Israel. 本周,美国也重申我们与珍贵盟友以色列牢不可破的关系。 It was an honor to welcome my friend, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the White House. 很荣幸欢迎我的朋友,以色列总理内塔尼亚胡来到白宫。 I affirmed to the...

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特朗普每周电视讲话:建立美加联合理事会 与以色列共同对抗恐怖主义(2)

By stopping this regulation, we are able to save American companies and workers millions and millions of dollars in job-killing compliance costs. 通过终结这样的条例,我们能为美国的企业和员工,在就业合规成本上节省数百万美元。 But to truly succeed as a country, we must realize the full potential of women in our economy. 但一个国家真正实现成功,我们必须让妇女在我们经济中...

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特朗普每周电视讲话:建立美加联合理事会 与以色列共同对抗恐怖主义(1)

My fellow Americans, We have taken major steps during the first few weeks of my Administration to remove wasteful regulations and get our people back to work. 我的美国同胞们,在我的政府就职前几周里,我们已经采取了主要的措施,取消无意义的规定,让我们的民众回到工作岗位。 I have been saying I was going to do that for a long time. 我一直说,我要这么做已经很长时间了。 Thi...

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