
Hi, I'm Lisa Murkowski. And I'm honored to represent Alaska in the U.S. Senate, where I chair the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. It's been a pretty good week in Congress – with the House of Representatives welcoming a new speaker, Paul Ryan, and the Senate passing a major bill to protect our nation's cyber security. What I want to talk with you ab...

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As we enter 2016, we need to remember that we are truly blessed to live in the greatest country in the world. Thanks to our military, veterans, law enforcement, first responders and others who keep us safe and free. On Tuesday, President Obama will give his last State of the Union Address to the nation. He will likely itemize a list of what he believes to be his accomplishme...

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Hi, I'm Thom Tillis, Senator from the great state of North Carolina. I want to speak with you today about the vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court. It's a topic that has generated a lot of attention – and frankly, a lot of misinformation, especially since President Obama named a nominee earlier this week. There are a couple of things that make this vacancy unique. First...

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Hi, I'm Senator Cory Gardner, and I'm proud to represent the great state of Colorado in the United States Senate. For decades, the United States and our allies like Japan and South Korea have faced a complex threat in North Korea. And while the Obama Administration has rightfully focused attention on developments in the Middle East, for too long it has turned a blind...

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Chokma, I'm Lisa Johnson-Billy. I'm a member of the Oklahoma state house, where I serve as the floor leader. I'm also a proud member of the Chickasaw and Choctaw tribes. In fact, I am the first Native American, the first woman, and the first Republican to represent my district. I know I may not be a familiar face in Washington. But our leaders need to hear from p...

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Hello, I'm Senator Richard Burr from the great state of North Carolina and I'm honored to chair the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Today, I'll lay out for you the terrorist threat to the United States and our allies – a growing threat that is no longer confined to the Middle East, South Asia, or even Europe. Since the deadly attacks in Brussels just two...

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Hello, I'm Kelly Ayotte, and I'm proud to represent the great state of New Hampshire in the United States Senate. For the past few years, I've been working to bring attention to the heroin and prescription opioid abuse epidemic that is impacting my state and communities nationwide. This is a life or death issue. In 2015, four hundred twenty New Hampshire resident...

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Every 25 minutes in America, a baby is born who was exposed to drugs during pregnancy. Because of their exposure to opioids, heroin, and other drugs, they may spend their first weeks suffering from withdrawal. Their bodies shake with tremors, and their cries are heartbreaking. This is called neonatal abstinence syndrome, and it is truly a terrible way to come into this world...

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In the suburbs of Chicago, somebody dies from using heroin every three days. And every single one of them leaves behind a family in grief. I want to tell you about one in particular. His name was Alex Laliberte. He grew up in Buffalo Grove – just outside of Chicago. Alex graduated from Stevenson High School, played sports, got good grades, made a lot of friends – and had his...

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Every 25 minutes in America, a baby is born who was exposed to drugs during pregnancy. Because of their exposure to opioids, heroin, and other drugs, they may spend their first weeks suffering from withdrawal. Their bodies shake with tremors, and their cries are heartbreaking. This is called neonatal abstinence syndrome, and it is truly a terrible way to come into this world...

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Hi, I'm Senator Tom Cotton and I'm proud to represent Arkansas in the United States Senate. We live in a dangerous world – and the dangers are ever increasing, particularly from radical Islamic terror. The attacks in Brussels, Paris, San Bernardino, and across the world make this all too clear. Americans are understandably fearful about their safety and security. But...

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Every day, in the smallest towns and biggest cities across this country, about one in three Americans gets up and goes to work at a small business. Maybe they have coworkers, or maybe, for now, it's just them. Maybe it's their first job, or maybe they've been lucky enough to build a lifelong career in the very place they started. That's why, when we talk abou...

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Hi, I'm Joni Ernst and I have the honor of serving the great state of Iowa in the United States Senate. It's a long way from Red Oak, Iowa to Washington, D.C., but often I think back to even more distant places I've traveled to like Kuwait and Iraq, where I served as a company commander, leading 150 Iowa Army National Guardsmen during Operation Iraqi Freedom 13 y...

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Hello. My name is Gus Bilirakis. I serve as Vice-Chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee. And I represent the people of Florida's 12th Congressional District. Today, on behalf of my constituents and behalf of all Republicans, I would like to deliver a message directly to America's veterans, our true American heroes: America is what she is because of you. We ...

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Let's face it: people know what Republicans are against. Now, we are going to give you a plan that shows you what we are for. Our ambition is a confident America, where everyone has the chance to go out and succeed no matter where they start in life. That is the American Idea. But right now, our country is on the wrong path. So, how do we get back on track? Well, we can ...

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I'm Dan Sullivan, and I'm proud to represent the great state of Alaska in the U.S. Senate. Today, I want to talk to you about the economy – one of the most critical issues facing our country – and about the lost decade of economic growth under the Obama Administration. A few weeks ago, it was announced that America's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew at only one ...

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Hello, I'm Buddy Carter, and I represent the first district of Georgia. This week, I held seven town-hall meetings with people from all over our district. We talked about a lot of different issues. But the one thing I heard over and over again was this: People are frustrated. They're working as hard as ever to pay the bills and put food on the table. But they're ...

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Hi, my name is Bradley Byrne, and I have the honor of representing the first district of Alabama in the United States House of Representatives. This summer, my colleagues and I have been talking with our constituents all over the country about our proposed agenda for 2017 – what we're calling A Better Way. I've decided to focus on the first plank of our agenda: pover...

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Hi, I'm Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa. Now consider this. On the first Senate bill debated in 2015 under a new Republican majority, the Senate considered more amendments, from both sides of the aisle, than the entire previous year under the leadership of Harry Reid. That is the dramatic change in the way business is done for you. And it's working. As Chairman of the...

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I'm Senator Lamar Alexander, from Tennessee. When Tennesseans woke up on Wednesday morning and opened up our state's largest paper, the front page headline read "Very Near Collapse." The story wasn't about a bridge or a foreign dictatorship. "Very Near Collapse" was our state insurance commissioner's description of the Obamacare exchange i...

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