美国经典英文演讲100篇:Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation(5)

Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory, and our interests are in grave danger. With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph — so help us God. I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December ...

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美国经典英文演讲100篇:Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation(2)

Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in the American island of Oahu, the Japanese ambassador to the United States and his colleague delivered to our Secretary of State a formal reply to a recent American message. And while this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat or hint o...

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On Monday, an act of terror wounded dozens and killed three innocent people at the Boston Marathon. 周一,一个恐怖行径在波士顿马拉松赛上造成三人遇难和几十人受伤。 But in the days since, the world has witnessed one sure and steadfast truth: 但是此后几天,全世界目睹了不容置疑的事实: Americans refuse to be terrorized. 美国人民没有被吓倒。 Ultimately, that's what we'll ...

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Good afternoon, everybody. As you know, this weekend, I traveled to Afghanistan to thank our men and women in uniform and our deployed civilians, on behalf of a grateful nation, for the extraordinary sacrifices they make on behalf of our security. I was also able to meet with our commanding General and Ambassador to review the progress that we’ve made. And today, I’d like to...

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SECRETARY KERRY: Good afternoon, everybody. Thank you for your patience. In Washington a few moments ago, President Obama announced that we had reached an agreement to formally re-establish diplomatic relations with the Republic of Cuba and that we will reopen embassies in our respective countries. Later this summer, as the President announced, I will travel to Cuba to perso...

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We've got basketball players who stand nearly seven feet tall and a gymnast who's 4-foot-8. 我们有近七英尺高的篮球球员和 4.8 英尺高的体操运动员。 And Team USA spans generations: a few athletes who are almost as old as I am, and one born just a year before my younger daughter. 美国队跨越几代人:一些运动员几乎与我同年出生,还有一位比我小女儿早一年出生。 Our roster incl...

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Every four years, our nation's attention turns to a competition that's as heated as it is historic. 每四年,我国的注意力转向一场历史性的激烈竞赛。 People pack arenas and wave flags. Journalists judge every move and overanalyze every misstep. 人们集聚运动场挥舞彩旗。记者们解说着每一个动作不会放过场上任何失误。 Sometimes we're let down, but more often we're lif...

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In our Olympians, we recognize that no one accomplishes greatness alone. 奥运会让我们认识到,没有人单打独斗能成就伟大。 Even solo athletes have a coach beside them and a country behind them. 每个运动员身旁都有教练,还有他们身后的祖国。 In a season of intense politics, let's cherish this opportunity to come together around one flag. 在激烈的政治季,让我们围绕奥运大旗珍惜...

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英文欣赏之人生感悟 (71)美国的斋月 Ramadan in America

Ramadan in America 美国的斋月 America is a nation of 292 million people. 美国有2.92亿人口。 There are estimates that 6 million of them are Muslim. 据估计,其中有600万人是伊斯兰教徒。 The government does not ask people their religion,so it has no official numbers. 由于政府没有要求民众提供其宗教信仰的信息,所以该方面也没有官方数据。 But Islam is often described as a fast growi...

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英文欣赏:The Tax-Work-In the US 税金-工作-在美国

Tax is an inevitable feature of reality.Whether you are your own boss or working for someone else,there are always different taxes waiting to be paid. 税金是现实中一个无可避免的事。无论你是自己当老板还是为别人工作,总会有不同的况等着你去缴。 If you sell things,the government gets sales taxes.What complicates things is that every state is different,so price tags never ...

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经典英语美文 (39)到美国法庭看一看

In America, courtroom proceedings are generally open to the public and can,within strict guidelines, be reported on in newspapers and on radio and television. We use the word “allegation” and its verb form “allege”to indicate that charges brought against a person have not been proven.Cameras are also generally barred from courtrooms to protect the identities of thejurors,un...

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新概念英语初中早读 (21)美国最小的州

The Smallest State in America 美国最小的州 Rhode Island may be the smallest state in America, 罗德岛也许是美国最小的州, but it has an exciting history. 但它有一段很有意思的历史。 A colonist named Roger Williams 一个叫罗杰.威廉斯的殖民开拓者 started the first permanent settlement there in 1636. 于1636年在这里建立了第一个永久性殖民地。 Like other...

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The result has been the loss of numerous industries, the decimation of entire communities, and years of sluggish growth and flat wages. 结果是众多行业的消失,整个社区的覆灭和数年里持平或者缓慢增长的工资。 Throughout American history, our nation’s best leaders have believed in the importance of protecting our domestic industry. 在美国历史上,我们国家最棒的领袖们...

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In the last couple of years, I have produced what I call “The Dead Mall Series,” 32 short films and counting about dead malls. 在过去的几年里,我制作了所谓的“废弃的商场系列”。32部关于废弃商场的短片,数量还在增加。 Now, for those of you who are not familiar with what a dead mall is, it’s basically a shopping mall that has fallen into hard times. 如...

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And then there’s a guy standing next to her, with, like, an espresso cup, and he’s like… 然后她旁边站着一个男人,拿着 一个咖啡杯,他就这样… And it says, “What brings you today?” 然后照片还写着,“哪阵风把你吹来了?” I wanted to be scared and depressed. Thank you. 我是想要觉得害怕压抑的好吗,拜托。 So the comments just kep...

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That’s by an artist named Disconscious from an album he did called “Hologram Plaza.” 这是一位名叫Disconscious的艺术家制作的,在他的专辑《全息广场》中收录。 So if you look that up, you can hear more of those tunes. Vaporwave is more than an art form. 如果你搜索一下,会听到更多的这种曲调。蒸汽波不仅是一种艺术形式,它更像是一场运动。 It’s li...

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The last thing I want to say is that I had a lot of good fortune in the mentors and people who have played an important role in my life. 最后我还想说,我非常幸运能遇见很多很好的导师和人,他们在我生命中扮演了非常重要的角色。 From the Marines, from Ohio State, from Yale, from other places, 在海军陆战队,在俄亥俄州,在耶鲁大学,在其他地方, people have really stepp...

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Well, one thing that happened is that my grandparents, the same grandparents of setting someone on fire fame, 首先是我的外公外婆,就是尝试在人身上点火的外公外婆, they really shaped up by the time I came around. They provided me a stable home, a stable family. 在我出生之后改过自新了。他们给了我一个稳定的家,稳定的家庭。 They made sure that when my parents weren&...

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