常春藤名家散文精选 (1)一位伟大的朋友

Unit1 A Great Friend 第一课 一个伟大的朋友 As I am now a senior high school student, I have a great many friends, but there is one whom I prize over all the rest. 由于我现在是高中生,因此有许多朋友,但我最看重其中一位。 I first made his acquaintance when I began to go to school. 我一开始求学就认识他了。 He has been my constant companion ever since. 从此以后他便是我永远不变的...

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常春藤名家散文精选 (3)我们正在起跑点

Unit3 We're Just Beginning 第三课 我们正在起跑点 "We are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book whose pages are infinite…" “我们正在阅读一本页数无限的书的第一章第一节……” I do not know who wrote these words, but I have always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want to make it. 我不知道这段文字是谁写的,但我一直很喜...

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常春藤名家散文精选 (10)为别人而活

Unit10 For the Sake of Other Men 第十课 为别人而活 Strange is our situation here upon earth. 我们在地球上的处境真是奇妙。 Each of us comes for a short visit,not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to divine a purpose. 我们每一个人都是为了一趟短暂的旅程而来,也不知道是为了什么,但有时候似乎又猜想是有其目的。 From the standpoint of daily life,however, there is one thing we do...

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常春藤名家散文精选 (20)林肯盖茨堡演讲词

Unit20 Lincoln's Gettysburg Address 第二十课 林肯盖茨堡演讲词 Fourscore and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, 八十七年前,我们的祖先在这块大陆上建立了个新国家, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. 这个国家是以自由为理念,并致力于人生而平等的主张。 Now we are engaged in a great civi...

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常春藤名家散文精选 (17)生活的乐趣

Unit17 The Joy of Living 第十七课 生活的乐趣 Joy in living comes from having fine emotions, trusting them,giving them the freedom of a bird in the open. 生活的乐趣来自于快乐的情绪,信赖并放任这些情绪,就像鸟儿在野外自由飞翔一般。 Joy in living can never be assumed as a pose, or put on from the outside as a mask. 生活的乐趣是无法靠摆姿态或罩上面具来伪装的。 People who have t...

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常春藤名家散文精选 (4)给年轻人的建议

Unit4 Adcice to a Young Man 第四课 给年轻人的建议 Remember, my son,you have to work. 小伙子,请你牢记,你必须工作。 Whether you handle a pick or a pen, a wheel一barrow or a set of books, you must work. 不管你握着的是一把十字镐或一支笔,一辆手推车或一套书,你都必须工作。 If you look around,you will see the men who are the most able to live the rest of their days without work...

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常春藤名家散文精选 (18)致无名之师

Unit18 To the Unknown Teacher 第十八颗 致无名之师 I sing the praise of the Unknown Teacher. 我要歌颂无名之师。 Great Generals win campaigns,but it is the Unknown Soldier who wins the war. 伟大的将军赢得战役,但打赢战争的却是无名战士。 Famous educators plan new systems of pedagogy,but it is the Unknown Teacher who delivers and guides the young. 知名的教育家计划新的教学系统...

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美文阅读 (48)但是你没有

Remember the day I borrowed your brand new car and dented it? 记得那天,我借用你的新车,我撞凹了它 I thought you'd kill me, but you didn't. 我以为你一定会杀了我的,但是你没有 And remember the time I dragged you to the beach, and you said it would rain, and it did? 记得那天,我拖你去海滩,而它真如你所说的下了雨 I thought you'd say, "I told you so." But y...

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美文阅读 (50)放手爱情

Well you only need the light when it's burning low 只有在朦胧黯淡时才念及灯火光亮 Only miss the sun when it starts to snow 只有在冰天雪地时才怀念阳光温暖 Only know you love her when you let her go 只有在已然放手后才始知那是真爱 Only know you've been high when you're feeling low 只有在身处低谷时才遥想过去峥嵘 Only hate the road when you're missing home 只有在...

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美文阅读 (36)情人节玫瑰(1)

Red roses were her favorites, her name was also Rose. 红玫瑰花是她的最爱,她的名字也叫Rose。 And every year her husband sent them, tied with pretty bows. 每年她的丈夫都要送她打了可爱蝴蝶结的红玫瑰。 The year he died, the roses were delivered to her door. 他去世的那年,玫瑰花送到了她的门口, The card said, "Be my Valentine, "like all the years before. 卡片上写着:&q...

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美文阅读 (24)如果有一天你想哭

If one day you feel like crying… 假如有一天你想哭… Call me. 打电话给我… I don't promise that I will make you laugh, 我不能保证能使你笑, But I can cry with you. 但是我能陪着你一起哭. If one day you want to run away– 假如有一天你想逃跑– Don't be afraid to call me. 别怕打电话给我. I don't promise to ask you to stop… 我不能叫你停留...

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美文阅读 (38)情人节玫瑰(3)

"Hello my love, I know it's been a year since I've been gone, I hope it hasn't been too hard for you to overcome." "亲爱的,我知道我离开你已经一年了,我希望你所度过的这段日子不是太难。" "I know it must be lonely, and the pain is very real. "我知道你肯定很孤独,而且这种痛苦是如此的真切。 For if it was the other way, I know how I would...

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美文阅读 (42)致橡树

To the Oak Tree 致橡树 If I love you — 我如果爱你—— I will never be a clinging trumpet creeper 绝不像攀援的凌霄花 Using your high boughs to show off my height 借你的高枝炫耀自己 If I love you — 我如果爱你—— I will never be a spoony bird 绝不学痴情的鸟儿 Repeating a monotonous song for green shade 为绿荫重复单调的歌曲 Or be a spring 也不止像泉源 Bringing cool sola...

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美文阅读 (47)让我们心怀信仰

Security is mostly a superstition. 安全大抵虚幻, It does not exist in nature, 世间无处寻觅。 nor do the children of men 芸芸众生, as a whole experience it. 无人有此经历。 Avoiding danger is no safer 避险难计久长, in the long run than outright exposure. 不如现身搏击。 Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing. 抑或险中求胜,抑或碌碌无为,人生非此即彼。 To keep our face...

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美文阅读 (1)醒来见到你,我心便安然

When I wake up each morning and see you next to me 每天早晨当我醒来 看到你在我身旁 I know that my day will be all right 我知道我这一天将会一切都好 sometimes it is hard to put feelings into words 有时很难用话语来表达感受 but I want you to know how you affect me 但是我想让你知道你是怎样影响着我 When I wake up and see you in the morning 当我早晨醒来看到你 I am so happy that we ...

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美文阅读 (51)忘记它吧

Let it be forgotten, as a flower is forgotten, 忘掉它,就像忘掉一朵花, Forgotten as a fire that once was singing gold. 就像忘掉炼过黄金的火焰, Let it be forgotten forever and ever, 忘掉它,永远永远。 Time is a kind friend, he will make us old. 时间是良友,它会使我们变成老年。 If anyone asks, say it was forgotten 如果有人问起,就说已经忘记, Long and long ago, 在很早,很早...

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美文阅读 (49)伊人倩影

She walks in beauty, like the night 伊人倩影移幽步, Of cloudless climes and starry skies; 此夜云消星尽出。 And all that's best of dark and bright 总觉日夜绝美色, Meet in her aspect and her eyes: 尽归伊人眉宇间。 Thus mellow'd to that tender light 抿侬光华天亦醉, Which heaven to gaudy day denies. 岂容炽日来争辉。 One shade the more, one ray the less, 增丝少毫皆失色...

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美文阅读 (39)你好吗

Hello it's me 你好 是我啊 I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet 我想知道多年之后 你是否乐见 To go over everything 自己早已释怀过往的种种 They say that time's supposed to heal ya 都说时光是最好的治愈之药 but I ain't done much healing 似乎我只会让你的心伤继续 Hello can you hear me 你好 能否听见我的声音? I'm in California dreaming abou...

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美文阅读 (45)我不知道

I don't know, 我不知道风 Which direction the wind is blowing 是在哪一个方向吹 I am in a dream, 我是在梦里, Wandering in the dream. 在梦的轻波里依洄。 I don't know, 我不知道风 Which direction the wind is blowing 是在哪一个方向吹 I am in a dream, 我是在梦里, Her tenderness, my fascination. 她的温存,我的迷醉。 I don't know, 我不知道风 Which direction the wind is ...

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美文阅读 (41)断章

Fragment 断章 You stand upon the bridge to look at the landscape. 你站在桥上看风景, A landscape viewer upon the tower looks at you. 看风景人在楼上看你。 The moon decorates your window. 明月装饰了你的窗子, You decorate other people’s dreams. 你装饰了别人的梦。 NSDA“SDcamps”全国英语演讲/美式辩论赛 诚招省市合作伙伴 NSDA认证项目SDcamps全国英语演讲大赛(大学组)/SDcamps全国中小...

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