奥巴马每周电视演讲20160514:总统呼吁人们健康生活 走出毒瘾阴霾

Weekly Address: A Conversation About Addiction (May 14, 2016) 奥巴马每周电视讲话:总统呼吁人们健康生活 走出毒瘾阴霾 Hi, everybody. I’ve got a special guest with me this week-Macklemore. For those of you who don’t share the same love[i] for hip-hop, he’s a Grammy-winning artist-but he’s also an advocate who’s giving voice to a disease we too ofte...

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下面是美国前国务卿赖斯于2012年5月12号在南卫理公会大学的演讲及英语演讲稿,南卫理公会大学是一所教会私立大学。 英语演讲稿: Thank you very, very much. Thank you, President Turner, for that wonderful introduction. Thank you to the chairman of your Board of Trustees, Caren Prothro, and to the faculty. Thank you for what you have done to prepare these young people for what lies ahe...

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美国第一夫人Michelle Obama在民主党全国大会DNC上的演说完整版及英语演讲稿。米歇尔一展母仪天下风范,现场观众欢呼的欢呼,鼓掌的鼓掌,抽泣的抽泣,抹泪的抹泪,感动的噼里啪啦一塌糊涂。这个“皇后”确实可以对内对外。精辟的话如“今天,当我们面对的挑战显得铺天盖地——甚至无法战胜的时候——让我们永远不要忘记,行不可能之事正是这个国家的历史,这是我们美...

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第14届全国英语演讲比赛总决赛季军北京语言大学陈艺 英语演讲稿:Milkman vs. Mailman With the development of science and technology, change has penetrated into every aspect of our daily life. To illustrate that, I’d like to make a comparison of these two seemingly insignificant things: milkman and mailman, whose differences indicate our changing way of living with the time...

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美国总统奥巴马在巴纳德学院毕业典礼上的演讲,英语及英语演讲稿全文,(Barnard College)巴纳德学院是美国的一所私立女子高等学校。设于纽约市。1889 年创办。以原哥伦比亚学院院长费雷德里克·巴纳德的名字命名。 THE PRESIDENT: Thank you so much. (Applause.) Thank you. Please, please have a seat. Thank you. (Applause.) Thank you, President Spar, trustees, President Bollinger. Hell...

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香港大学是一所于1910年于香港岛成立的大学,其前身为香港西医书院,是香港历史最悠久的大学。大学以英语作为教学语言。是香港及亚洲区中最享盛名的学府。 Vice Premier Mr Li Keqiang, Minister of Education Mr Yuan Guiren, Mr Chancellor, Distinguished Guests, Members of the HKU Family, Ladies and Gentlemen, 尊敬的李克强副总理,袁贵仁部长,校监先生,各位来宾,各位香港大学大家庭的成员: G...

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Thank you, President Hennessy, and to the trustees and the faculty, to all of the parents and grandparents, to you, the Stanford graduates. Thank you for letting me share this amazing day with you. 感谢亨尼斯校长,感谢校董事会、全体教师,感谢毕业生父母及祖父母,感谢斯坦 福的毕业生们,感谢你们与我一起分享这美好的一天。 Today, I just want to share a few lessons—meaning t...

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Hello GW. Thank you very much President Knapp for that kind intro. Alex, trustees, faculty and deans of the university, my fellow honorees, and especially you the class of 2015. Yes. Congratulations to you, to your family, to your friends that are attending today’s ceremony. You made it. It’s a privilege, a rare privilege of a lifetime to be with you today. And I...

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影响世界的伟大演讲45 奥巴马:为自由的利比亚而战

Good afternoon, everybody. Today, the government of Libya announced the death of Muammar Qaddafi. This marks the end of a long and painful chapter for the people of Libya, who now have the opportunity to determine their own destiny in a new and democratic Libya. 大家下午好。今天,利比亚政府宣布了穆阿迈尔?卡扎菲(Moammar Gadhafi) 的死讯。这标志着利比亚人民一段漫长而痛苦的时期...

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Tony Robbins Ted在Ted英语演讲: Why we do what we do我们从事自己职业的原因

Tony Robbins是美国的自救作者和激励演讲家。他通过他的电视购物节目和自助书籍,唤醒无数人内心沉睡的巨人,他教会人们如何克服恐惧、有说服力的沟通并几改善人们之间的关系。 (Applause) Thank you. I have to tell you I’m both challenged and excited. My excitement is: I get a chance to give something back. My challenge is: the shortest seminar I usually do is 50 hours. (Laughter) ...

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Weekly Address: Building on America’s Economic Recovery (June 04, 2016) 奥巴马每周电视演讲:立足经济复苏,建设美国经济 Elkhart, Indiana was the first town I visited as President. I’d been on the job for three weeks, and we were just a few months into the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes. Elkhart was hit harder than most. Unemployment there peaked at nearly ...

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影响世界的伟大演讲47 奥巴马:我们需要的伙伴关系

On this 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001,we remember that 9/11 was not only an attack on the United States, it was an attack on the world and on the humanity and hopes that we share. 在2001年9月11日恐怖袭击10周年之际,让我们谨记,9.11不仅是对美国发动 的攻击,也是对全世界、全人类和我们的共同希望发动的攻击。 We remember that among the nearly 3...

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Eve Ensler演讲: Suddenly, my body

在Ensler看来,传播信息的最佳途径无异于分享故事。现在的她,更多的是从身体的角度来看世界,世界其实就蕴藏在身体之中,包括V世界。身体本身就是一个世界,所有的物种都蕴藏其中,而她也认为我们很有必要把身体至于头脑之上。这样的分离常常也分量了目的和原因。而身体和大脑的联系又将这些事情综合在一起。Eve Ensler在TED有好几次演讲,前几次都是在讲女性,但这次是讲她自己。她自己的身体,她对世界...

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Mary Robinson: Why climate change is a threat to human rights 玛丽·罗宾逊:为何气候变化对人权保护构成威胁 A question I’m often asked is, where did I get my passion for human rights and justice? It started early. I grew up in the west of Ireland, wedged between four brothers, two older than me and two younger than me. So of course I had to be interested in human ...

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Eric Liu在TED演讲:Why ordinary people need to understand power为何普通民众需要懂得权力?

I’m a teacher and a practitioner of civics in America. Now, I will kindly ask those of you who have just fallen asleep to please wake up. (Laughter) Why is it that the very word "civics" has such a soporific, even a narcoleptic effect on us? 我在美国进行公民教育, 也是公民教育的践行者。 现在,请那些刚才睡着的人打起精神。(笑声) 为什么人们一听到“公民教...

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Weekly Address: It’s Time for Congress To Pass a Responsible Budget (September 19, 2015) 奥巴马每周电视演讲:奥巴马敦促国会及时通过新年度的预算 Hi, everybody. It’s hard to believe, but it was seven years ago this week that one of Wall Street’s biggest investment banks went bankrupt, triggering a meltdown on Wall Street and the worst economic crisis since th...

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Obama’s Weekly Address WEEKLY ADDRESS: President Obama Offers Easter and Passover Greetings" 奥巴马每周电视讲话:奥巴马总统表达复活节和逾越节的祝福 Hi, everybody. 大家好! For millions of Americans, this time of year holds great meaning. 对数百万美国人民而言,每年的这个时候都有着特殊的意义。 Earlier this week, we hosted a Passover Seder at the White House, and join...

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Obama’s Weekly Address WEEKLY ADDRESS: The President’s Year of Action 奥巴马每周电视讲话:总统的年度施政计划 Hi, everybody. 大家好! My number one priority as President is doing whatever I can to create more jobs and opportunity for hardworking families. 作为总统我最首要的任务就是尽我一切所能为工薪家庭创造更多就业岗位和机遇。 And yesterday, we learned that busines...

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