Ted英语演讲:我们不健康地痴迷于选择——Renata Salecl

Renata Salecl在Ted英语演讲:我们不健康地痴迷于选择,社会进步发展,人们的选择非常多,随之人们的问题也就出现了。 Renata Salecl在Ted英语演讲:我们不健康地痴迷于选择(中英双语+MP3下载) When I was preparing for this talk, I went to search for a couple of quotes that I can share with you. Good news: I found three that I particularly liked, the first by Samuel Johnson, who said, &#...

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Ted英语演讲: 我们都是设计师——John Hockenberry

Leslie T. Chang在Ted英语演讲:We Are All Designers我们都是设计师。 I am no designer, nope, no way. My dad was, which is kind of an interesting way to grow up. I had to figure out what it is my dad did and why it was important. 我并不是一个设计师,完全不是。 我父亲曾经是, 这使我的成长非常富有趣味。 所以我得弄明白我父亲的工作是什么, 以及为什么它如此重要。 Dad talked a lot abo...

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Ted英语演讲: 改变我的腿,改变我的心态——残奥会短跑冠军Aimee Mullins

残奥会短跑冠军Aimee Mullins在Ted英语演讲: 改变我的腿,改变我的心态 Sheryl Shade: Hi, Aimee. Aimee Mullins: Hi. 谢丽尔:艾米和我认为–你好,艾米。艾米•穆林斯:你好。 SS: Aimee and I thought we’d just talk a little bit, and I wanted her to tell all of you what makes her a distinctive athlete. 谢丽尔:艾米和我刚刚交流了一会儿, 我想让她告诉你们所有人是什么使她成为了与...

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Ted英语演讲: 中国工人的心声——Leslie T. Chang

Leslie T. Chang在Ted英语演讲:the voice of China’s workers 中国工人的心声。 Hi. So I’d like to talk a little bit about the people who make the things we use every day: our shoes, our handbags, our computers and cell phones. Now, this is a conversation that often calls up a lot of guilt. Imagine the teenage farm girl who makes less than a dollar an hour stitching y...

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Ted英语演讲: Do schools kill creativity?教育扼杀创造力吗——Sir Ken Robinson

Sir Ken Robinson在Ted英语演讲: Do schols kill creativity,讲述了教育扼杀创造力的英语演讲。   Good morning. How are you? It’s been great, hasn’t it? I’ve been blown away by the whole thing. In fact, I’m leaving. (Laughter) There have been three themes, haven’t there, running through the conference, which are relevant to what I want to talk ...

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Ted英语演讲:想要创新?—就成为“现在学家”——Joi Ito

Joi Ito在Ted英语演讲:想要创新?—就成为“现在学家”,他通过自己和家人的亲身经历领悟到,想要创新,不是要成为“未来主义者”,而是成为“现在学家”,每一件事都需要事先计划好, 你需要储备所有东西, 你需要做好充足的准备,并把精力放在建立联系上面,总是学习,充分地自知,关注当下。 Joi Ito在Ted英语演讲:想要创新?—就成为“现在学家”(中英双语+MP3下载) On March 10, 2011, I was in C...

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Ted英语演讲:How I held my breath for 17 minutes如何憋气17分钟——David Blaine

David Blaine在Ted英语演讲:How I held my breath for 17 minutes如何憋气17分钟。 As a magician, I try to create images that make people stop and think. I also try to challenge myself to do things that doctors say are not possible. I was buried alive in New York City in a coffin, buried alive in a coffin in April, 1999, for a week. I lived there with nothing but water. And it e...

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Ted英语演讲:Which country does the most good for the world?哪个国家对世界最有益?——Simon Anholt

Simon Anholt在Ted英语讲述了:哪个国家对世界最有益? I’ve been thinking a lot about the world recently and how it’s changed over the last 20, 30, 40 years. Twenty or 30 years ago, if a chicken caught a cold and sneezed and died in a remote village in East Asia, it would have been a tragedy for the chicken and its closest relatives, but I don’t think there wa...

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Ted英语演讲:On what we think we know?我们以为自己知道的事——Jonathan Srori

乔纳森‧卓瑞谈我们以为自己知道的事. I’m going to try and explain why it is that perhaps we don’t understand as much as we think we do. I’d like to begin with four questions. This is not some sort of cultural thing for the time of year. That’s an in-joke, by the way. 我会试着解释为何 我们知道的东西很可能并没有我们自以为知道的多 我想从四个问题开始,不是那...

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Ted英语演讲: Meet the SixthSense interaction发现第六感官——Pattie Maes

Pattie Maes在Ted英语演讲: Meet the SixthSense interaction发现第六感官。   I’ve been intrigued by this question of whether we could evolve or develop a sixth sense — a sense that would give us seamless access and easy access to meta-information or information that may exist somewhere that may be relevant to help us make the right decision about whatever it i...

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Ted英语演讲:Underwater Astonishment水下惊艳——David Gallo

David Gallo在Ted英语演讲:Underwater Astonishment水下惊艳。 We’re going to go on a dive to the deep sea, and anyone that’s had that lovely opportunity knows that for about two and half hours on the way down, it’s a perfectly positively pitch-black world. And we used to see the most mysterious animals out the window that you couldn’t describe: these bli...

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Ted英语演讲: The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology第六感技术的惊异潜力——Pranav Mistry

Pranav Mistry在Ted英语演讲: 第六感技术的惊异潜力,讲述了关于第六感技术的惊异潜力的英语演讲文章。 We grew up interacting with the physical objects around us. There are an enormous number of them that we use every day. Unlike most of our computing devices, these objects are much more fun to use. When you talk about objects, one other thing automatically comes attached to that ...

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Ted英语演讲:Why ordinary people need to understand power为何普通民众需要懂得权力?——Eric Liu

刘柏川: 为何普通民众需要懂得权力。 I’m a teacher and a practitioner of civics in America. Now, I will kindly ask those of you who have just fallen asleep to please wake up. (Laughter) Why is it that the very word “civics” has such a soporific, even a narcoleptic effect on us? 我在美国进行公民教育, 也是公民教育的践行者。 现在,请那些刚才睡着的人打起精神。(...

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Ted英语演讲:Be an Opportunity Maker机会创造者 ——Kare Andersonr

凯儿˙安德森TED演讲:Be an Opportunity Maker,谈论关于如何成为一个机会创造者。 Kare Anderson: Be an opportunity maker 【TED】凯儿˙安德森: 给自己和别人带来希望与意外斩获-机会制造者 I grew up diagnosed as phobically shy, 我从小就有社交恐惧症 and like at least 20 other people in a room of this size, 这样的空间 大约20人 I was a stutterer. 就能让以前的我结巴语塞 Do you dare raise...

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Ted英语演讲:How to Rob a Bank From the Inside That Is银行是如何被掏空的?——William Black

William Black在Ted英语讲述了:银行是如何被掏空的? So today’s top chef class is in how to rob a bank, and it’s clear that the general public needs guidance, because the average bank robbery nets only 7,500 dollars. Rank amateurs who know nothing about how to cook the books. 今天的“顶级大厨”寓教于食,揭秘怎么抢银行, 显然,大众对这个外行。 因为一般的劫匪抢一次银行...

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Ted英语演讲:Why lunch ladies are heroes为什么食堂大妈是英雄?——Jarrett Krosoczka

William Black在Ted英语讲述了:为什么食堂大妈是英雄? When my first children’s book was published in 2001, I returned to my old elementary school to talk to the students about being an author and an illustrator, and when I was setting up my slide projector in the cafetorium, I looked across the room, and there she was: my old lunch lady. 当我的第一本儿童书 在2001年出版...

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Ted英语演讲:What fear can teach us恐惧可以教会我们什么 ——Karen Thompson Walker

Karen Thompson Walker在TED演讲,谈论关于恐惧可以教会我们什么。 One day in 1819, 3,000 miles off the coast of Chile, in one of the most remote regions of the Pacific Ocean, 20 American sailors watched their ship flood with seawater. 1819年的某一天, 在距离智利海岸3000英里的地方, 有一个太平洋上的最偏远的水域, 20名美国船员目睹了他们的船只进水的场面。 They’d been struck ...

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Ted英语演讲:经前症候群的好消息 ——萝缤·史坦·德路卡

萝缤·史坦·德路卡在TED演讲:经前症候群的好消息,谈论关于如何经前症候群的好消息。 How many people here have heard of PMS? Everybody, right? Everyone knows that women go a little crazy right before they get their period, that the menstrual cycle throws them onto an inevitable hormonal roller coaster of irrationality and irritability. There’s a general assumption that fluc...

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Ted英语演讲: The Best Stats You’ve Ever Seen未曾见过最牛的数据统计——Hans Rosling

Hans Rosling在Ted英语演讲: The Best Stats You’ve Ever Seen未曾见过最牛的数据统计。 About 10 years ago, I took on the task to teach global development to Swedish undergraduate students. That was after having spent about 20 years together with African institutions studying hunger in Africa, so I was sort of expected to know a little about the world. And I started in our ...

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Ted英语演讲:The Art of Stillness安静的艺术——Pico Iyer

Pico Iyer在TED演讲,谈论关于安静的艺术。 I’m a lifelong traveler. Even as a little kid, I was actually working out that it would be cheaper to go to boarding school in England than just to the best school down the road from my parents’ house in California. 我这辈子都是个旅行者。 即使还是一个小孩子的时候, 我便了解,事实上, 去读英国寄宿学校会比 去加州父母家附近 ...

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