Let me give you another example "from cozy to crazy", and it happened right here in Chicago. 让我再举一个从舒适到疯狂的例子,它就发生在芝加哥。 In 1999, after years of studying at law school, hard work as a young, a
So we're actually looking for conduct. Conduct being using the service to repeatedly or episodically harass someone, 所以我们实际上在研究行为模式。比如说,有人利用这个平台来持续或是间断性地骚扰他人, using hateful imagery that might be a
However, I longed to share my life with someone. 但是,我渴望与他人分享我的生活。 I remember staring out the window as my dad drove me home from work, thinking I have so much love inside of me and nobody to give it t
Well, good morning to all of you. 各位早上好。 And let me, first of all, congratulate what you have demonstrated right now an agility in transforming yourself. 首先,请允许我对你们在改造自己的过程中所表现出的敏捷性表示祝贺。 You looked a
Perhaps my parents could have found out and could have helped. 也许我的父母本能够发现并给我帮助。 But the years of constant caretaking, having to wake up every two hours to turn me, 但是经年累月的康复照看,不得不每两个小时就醒来让我翻身, combin
But let me add a word of caution: 但我要提醒大家一句: taking risks and reinventing yourself also means leaving room for the unexpected, for the perfectly unplanned. 承担风险并重塑自己,也意味着要为预料之外的、完全计划外的事情留有后路。 And that
With this in mind, I would like to talk about three things that could, could help along the journey: 想到这一点,我想谈谈可能有助于这个旅程的三件事。 First, reinventing yourself and welcoming change and risks. 第一,重塑自己,欢迎改变和风
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This week I traveled to Kansas City to address the annual convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. I spoke about the ideological struggle that our Nation faces in the 2
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This week, Congress began to debate its annual spending bills. The American people expect us to spend their tax dollars wisely, or not at all, and to pursue pro-growth eco
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. On Friday, I met with a group of veterans and military families who support our troops and our mission in Iraq. These men and women know the tremendous sacrifices that our
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. On Thursday, I traveled to California to visit communities ravaged by wildfires. I walked with a married couple through the charred remains of their home. I met with emerg
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Today I am signing emergency legislation to fund the Federal government for the next seven weeks. This legislation was necessary because Congress failed in its most basic
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This weekend, I will join millions of Americans in one of our favorite national pastimes: fishing. I'm going to be on the Chesapeake Bay. For those who love fishing, the m
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. In a few days, our Nation will celebrate Thanksgiving. Like millions of Americans, members of Congress will travel home for the holiday. Unfortunately, as they get to work
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. One important commitment of the Federal government is to help America's poorest children get access to health care. Most of these children are covered by Medicaid, which w
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Today, I am traveling to Minneapolis to the site of Wednesday's tragic bridge collapse. Like millions of Americans, I was shocked and saddened when I heard the news that t
In recent months, American and Iraqi forces have struck powerful blows against al Qaeda terrorists and violent extremists in Anbar and other provinces. In recent days, our troops and Iraqi allies laun
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This weekend, Americans mark two important dates in our Nation's history. On Saturday, we celebrate the 232nd birthday of the United States Marine Corps. And on Sunday, we
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This is an historic time for our Nation's economy. Last week, we learned that September was America's 49th consecutive month of job creation -- the longest uninterrupted p
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This week, General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker testified before Congress on the progress of America's strategy in Iraq, including the surge in forces. They