And we managed to boil it down to nine. 我们试图归结为九点 In fact we've done two more Blue Zone expeditions since this 其实在这次蓝区远征前 and these common denominators hold true. 我们已经调查了两个蓝区 And the first one, 第一
Not to be afraid of a failure, the opportunity to begin again 不会因为失败而感到畏惧 有机会从头再来 This whole thing comes down in the end to what do we think the future would be better if we face it with open hands or
Now, in addition of that we now know that it is scientifically true 此外 有一个铁的事实我们都已经知道了 I spent three billion dollars of your money to finish the sequencing of human genome 就是我花了你们三十亿美元 用来完成人类基因测序 Now
Perhaps we'll never know what tipped the scales for those young men who did that terrible thing at the Boston Marathon 也许我们永远不会得知是什么 让那些年轻人决定在波士顿马拉松赛上做出如此可怕的事情 Perhaps we will never fully understa
And the person with the highest measured IQ here, in this entire crowd, the biggest genius here went into another room 然后再选出你们当中智商最高的人让这位最聪明的人进另一个房间 And then we just kept feeding questions in there 然后
I said, through my interpreter, what's the word in your... do you have a word in your language that could be a name that means new beginning? 我通过翻译问她 你们有没有一个词 你们的语言中有没有一个能用来做名字的词语 意为新的开始 And this
So there is a lot of inequality in this world 所以说这个世界有太多的不平等 There is a lot of instability in this world 这个世界有太多的不稳定 Manifested by the financial crisis that had quickly spread across the world, but al
Because of the disaster, a longstanding civil conflict in Indonesia was settled 由于这场灾难 印度尼西亚的长期民事冲突得到了解决 Because we brought back the fishing to them together, 因为我们重振了他们的捕鱼业 We brought new opportunitie
The other thing is, before we get too arrogant about this 但别骄傲 另外一件事就是 We all spend 99.5% of our time to think about the 0.5% of us is different. 我们每个人都花费99.5%的时间 去想我们那0.5%的不同 Don't we? All of us
We were like this on the lawn at Georgetown just across the town 我们就像这样坐在城那边乔治敦的草地上 It started out to be a clear day 一开始还天朗气清 Then all of a sudden, this huge storm cloud came over 突然之间暴风云袭来 And the li
They simply did whatever was at hand in whatever form it present itself to put food on the table and if they had a family, to support their families 他们不过是按照其所呈现的形式做些手头的事情 把食品放在桌子上 如果他们有家庭的话 那就是供养家人 Yo
Denisha Merriweather (Jacksonville, FL): My mom, my brother, and my uncle all dropped out of school, by the time I was in the third grade I had failed twice. Miguel Manrara (Miramar, FL): My first job
MRS. OBAMA: Thank you all. (Applause.) Thank you so much. (Applause.) Let's let our graduates rest themselves. You've worked hard for those seats! (Applause.) Let me start by thanking Presiden
Now I have two points to make 我想说的有两点 First, this man who had lost nine of his ten children led me through that camp with a smile on his face, 第一 这个男人失去了自己十个孩子中的九个 带着我参观营地的时候面带笑容 and never talked abou
Washington is dysfunctional today largely because people can't find anything they work together on 华盛顿今天之所以功能失调 很大程度上是因为他们没法找到任何一件能一起为之奋斗的事情 They think our difference is more important than what w
I wrote at nights, without much effect mainly because I hadn't the first clue what I should write about 我在晚上写作 没有造成什么影响主要是因为我不知道该写哪些东西 One night, I was invited to a dinner where I sat next to the
In front of millions of people each of them think they are an expert on what are good baseball plaers 有几百万人评价他们的一举一动 他们中的每一个人都认为 他们是成为优秀棒球运动员方面的专家 They had statistics attached to every move they made
Thank you, Helen Clark, Administrator of UNDP, for moderating this very important meeting. I would like to thank the Presidents of the affected African countries – the President of Guinea, the Preside
It's my pleasure and honor to introduce to you, Class of 2013, the Woz and only Mr. Steve Wozniak 2013届毕业生们 我非常荣幸地为你们介绍 独一无二的史蒂夫?沃兹尼亚克先生 Thank you. Thank you very much 谢谢你们 非常感谢 You've really
And, I'm not quite that old while I'll look it in some days 虽然我还没那么老 但是多些日子就会的 But I also am glad to be here because of the record of this great university 另外一个让我很高兴来到这里的原因是这所优秀大学的纪录 And I wan