
My fellow citizens, no people on earth have more cause to be thankful than ours, and this is said reverently, 同胞们,荣耀属于那些真正身处人生竞技场上人!世界上没有哪一个民族比我们更有理由感到欣慰了,这样说是谦恭的, in no spirit of boastfulness in our own strength, 绝无夸耀我们的力量之意, but with gratitude to the Giver of Good who has blessed us with the conditions which ha...

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Power invariably means both responsibility and danger. 实力永远意味着责任和危险。 Our forefathers faced certain perils which we have outgrown. 先辈们曾面临某些我们这个时代不复存在的危险。 We now face other perils, the very existence of which it was impossible that they should foresee. 我们现在面临的则是其他危险,这些危险的出现是先人所无法预见的。 Modern life is both complex ...

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