
So I decided to take a step, instead of keep questioning these patriarchal structures and societal norms. 所以我决定采取行动,而不只是继续质疑这些父权制结构和社会规范。 And I founded the Digital Rights Foundation in 2012 to address all the issues and women’s experiences in online spaces and cyberharassment. 我在2012年成立了数字权利基金会,以解决网络空间中女性...

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I come from a very small village in Punjab, Pakistan, where women are not allowed to pursue their higher education. 我来自巴基斯坦旁遮普的一个非常小的村庄,那里不允许妇女接受高等教育。 The elders of my extended family didn’t allow their women to pursue their higher education or their professional careers. 大家庭的长辈不允许家中女人接受高等教育或从事任何职业。...

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Imagine waking up to a stranger — sometimes multiple strangers 想象一下,睡梦中醒来时旁边有个陌生人–有时是好几个陌生人, questioning your right to existence for something that you wrote online, 因为你在网上写的文字,而质疑你的生存权, waking up to an angry message, scared and worried for your safety. 醒来时面对一条愤怒的短信,害怕和担心自己的安全...

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