
Thank you, Jack, for that kind introduction. It's a tremendous pleasure to be here. It's a tremendous pleasure to be welcomed by you. Since…the ten months or so since I've been prime minister, I've already had multiple occasions to sit down with many different leading business figures from around the world, leading political figures from around the world, and...

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导读:跟美国一样,中国第一代企业家到了对历史负责的时候了,美国的福特作出了榜样,中国的企业家该如何效仿呢? 中国第一代企业家如何超越既得利益? 中国最优秀的企业在向世界级企业提出的挑战中,有一个战场不怎么为人们所关注,那就是企业家之间的挑战。只不过联想柳传志的对手并不是DELL的总裁,华为任正非的对手也并不是爱立信与诺基亚的领导者,他们的对手应当是像福特创始人亨利·福特、IBM...

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