
Under our plan, young Americans will have a pathway to exciting and fulfilling careers. 在我们的计划中,美国年轻人将走上一条路,一直通向令人振奋、实现个人抱负的职业。 They will become brilliant technicians who revitalize American manufacturing. 他们会成为复兴美国制造业的卓越技术人员。 They will become welders who forge from fire, amazing works of iron and steel ...

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They saved the lives of our Members of Congress and prevented that dark day from becoming a tragedy beyond imagination. 他们拯救了国会议员的生命,阻止那个黑暗的日子变成超越想象的悲剧。 They, like so many other courageous police officers, represent the very best of us. 像许许多多英勇警员一样,他们代表了最好的我们。 We salute them, and we also salute members of Al...

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American citizens have worked every job, every occupation, no matter what it might be – no matter how grueling, how challenging, or even how dangerous. 美国公民从事过每一项工作、每一种职业,无论它们可能是什么样,无论它们多么艰苦、多么充满挑战、甚至具有危险。 They wash the windows on our tallest skyscrapers; they create works of art from burning fire and molten steel; ...

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My fellow Americans, this week, our nation was shocked and horrified when a gunman opened fire on a Member of Congress. 我的美国同胞们,当持枪歹徒向国会议员开火时,我们的国家为此震动和惊骇。 Five people were wounded in the assault, including a member of House Leadership – my good friend, Steve Scalise. 五人在此袭击中受伤,其中包括国会领导成员之一、同时也是我的朋友—...

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