美文故事之找谁倚靠 (39)一顿特殊的午餐(下)

A few hours went by and there was a loud knock on the door. 几个钟头过去了,门外又响起了重重的敲门声, This time it was an old gypsy woman with no teeth, who was deaf,who spoke quite loudly and was rather rudely insisting that any true believer in the Lord would not deny her something to eat. 这次来的是一个吉普赛老妇,她没有牙齿,耳朵也听不见。吉普赛老妇粗鲁地叫嚷...

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美文故事之找谁倚靠 (36)乞丐 The mendicant

The mendicant 乞丐 When I think how long I have lived 每当我想起自己年高寿长 I am struck by life’s injustice: 命运的不公让我愕然; Others have lived much less 他人的生命何其短暂 Some have been given less than an hour of life. 一些人在出生短短时间后便告别尘寰。 I recall my childhood 我想起了我的童年 And the various stages of my growth. ...

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美文故事之找谁倚靠 (38)一顿特殊的午餐(上)

A very special meal 一顿特殊的午餐 Once there was a very poor and devoted woman who always prayed to the Glory of God, asking very little, if anything for herself. 从前有一个很贫穷,很虔诚的妇人,她常常向圣明的上帝祷告,但却基本上不为自己祈祷什么—即使偶尔有一次,也索取很少。 But one thought, one desire continued to recur and finally she asked, petitioning the Lo...

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某国有企业是当地的知名企业,鼎盛时期的各类人员达到近三十万;这个企业最初是由南下的军转干部掌控,从总经理到工长全部是这些工农干部;虽然产品品种和质量上不去,但企业的规模和产量却在不断翻番。 改革开放后,这个企业的干部进行了大换班;从总经理到工长全部换成了老工程技术人员,一批五十岁左右的老工程技术人员走上了领导岗位;全面接管了这家企业。然而这些老工程技术人员的运气太差,接管的企...

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