
We invented the car, screwed up a bunch of times — invented the traffic light, the seat belt and the airbag, 我们发明了汽车,又一不小心搞砸了很多次–发明了红绿灯,安全带和安全气囊, but with more powerful technology like nuclear weapons and AGI, learning from mistakes is a lousy strategy, don’t you think? 但对于更强大的科技,像是核武器和AGI,要去从...

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And whose goals should these be, anyway? Which goals should they be? 不过,这些目标到底是谁的目标?这些目标到底是什么目标? This brings us to the third part of our rocket metaphor: the destination. 这就引出了火箭比喻的第三部分:目的地。 We’re making AI more powerful, trying to figure out how to steer it, but where do we want to go with it? 我们要让人工...

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One is that we should avoid an arms race and lethal autonomous weapons. 第一,我们需要避免军备竞赛,以及致命的自动化武器出现。 The idea here is that any science can be used for new ways of helping people or new ways of harming people. 其中的想法是,任何科学都可以用新的方式来帮助人们,同样也可以以新的方式对我们造成伤害。 For example, biology and chemistry are muc...

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Alright, reality check: Are we going to get AGI any time soon? 好了,回归现实:我们很快就会有AGI吗? Some famous AI researchers, like Rodney Brooks, think it won’t happen for hundreds of years. 一些著名的AI研究者,如罗德尼·布鲁克斯,认为一百年内是没有可能的。 But others, like Google DeepMind founder Demis Hassabis, are more optimistic and are working to tr...

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So all this amazing recent progress in AI really begs the question: How far will it go? 所以近来,这些惊人的人工智能进步让大家不禁想问:它到底能达到怎样的程度? I like to think about this question in terms of this abstract landscape of tasks, 我在思考这个问题时,想从工作任务中的抽象地景来切入, where the elevation represents how hard it is for AI to do each task...

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