
President Bush Delivers Commencement Address at Greensburg High School  THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Superintendent, thank you for that kind introduction. Governor Sebelius, thank you for being here. Senator Brownback, Senator Roberts, Congressman Tiahrt, Mayor Janssen, Mayor-Elect Dixson, City Administrator Hewitt, Principal Fulton, members of the administration, fa...

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President’s Radio Address  THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This week, the Commerce Department reported that GDP grew at an annual rate of six-tenths of a percent in the first quarter. This rate of growth is not nearly as high as we would like. And after a record 52 months of uninterrupted job growth, April was the fourth month in a row in which our economy lost jobs, alt...

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Bush Honors Cinco de Mayo讲话(2008-05-05)

President Bush Honors Cinco de Mayo  THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all for coming. Welcome. Si ntese. (Laughter.) Laura and I welcome you to the Rose Garden for what is going to be a spectacular evening. We are so glad you are here. Ambassador Garza, thank you for coming. Ambassador Sarukhan, thank you for being here as well. I appreciate members of the United States Senate for ...

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President Bush Celebrates National Day of Prayer  THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Welcome to the White House. And I am honored to join you for the National Day of Prayer. I’m sorry Laura is not here — she’s out selling her book. (Laughter.)  Shirley, thank you very much for being the Chairman of the National Day of Prayer. Glad you brought old Jim with you. ...

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President Bush Discusses 2008 G8 Summit THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Next week I’m going to travel to Japan for the eighth and final G8 summit of my presidency. At recent summits, G8 countries have made pledges to help developing nations address challenges, from health care to education, to corruption. Now we need to show the world that the G8 can be accountable for it...

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President’s Radio Address THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This weekend, Americans are celebrating the anniversary of our Nation’s independence. Two hundred and thirty-two years ago, our Founding Fathers came together in Philadelphia to proclaim that all men are created equal and that they are endowed by their Creator with unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the...

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President Bush Participates in Roundtable on Housing Counseling THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all for having us. Were here at the Family Service Agency here in Little Rock to discuss ways to help people either buy a home for the first time or stay in a home. Before I say a few words about how the government can help people stay in their home, I do want to thank Charles and your t...

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President’s Radio Address THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This week, Congress voted to expand a vital program that is saving lives across the developing world — the Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, also known as PEPFAR. I thank members of Congress from both sides of the aisle for working with my Administration to pass this important bill, and I will be honored to sig...

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