双语美文之似水流年 (94)老人与海(7)

The fish never changed his course nor his direction all that night as far as the man could tell from watching the stars. It was cold after the sun went down and the old man’s sweat dried cold on his back and his arms and his old legs. During the day he had taken the sack that covered the bait box and spread it in the sun to dry. After the sun went down he tied it arou...

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双语美文之似水流年 (57)无论你的生活如何卑微(3)

My neighbors tell me of their adventures with famous gentlemen and ladies, what notabilities they met at the dinner-table;but I am no more interested in such tilings than in the contents of the Daily Times. 我的邻居向我所讲述的他的奇遇,都是和那些知名的绅士淑女有关的,如他们在宴会桌上遇到了哪些里要人物。但是我对这些事情根本没有兴趣,这如同《每日时报》的内容一样乏味, ...

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双语美文之似水流年 (74)茶和交友(7)

Thus chastened in spirit, quiet in mind and surrounded by proper company, one is fit to enjoy tea. For tea is invented for quiet company as wine is invented for a noisy party. There is something in the nature of tea that leads us into a world of quiet contemplation of life. It would be as disastrous to drink tea with babies crying around, or with loud—voiced women or politi...

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双语美文之似水流年 (83)茶和交友(16)

Third, half of the art of making tea lies in getting good water with a keen edge; mountain spring water comes first, river water second, and well water third; water from the tap, if coming from dams, being essentially mountain water and satisfactory. 第三,烹茶的艺术一半在于择水,山泉为上,河水次之,井水更次,水槽之水如来自堤堰, 因为本属山泉,所以很可用得; Fourth, f...

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双语美文之似水流年 (60)内卡河上木筏行(2)

These rafts were of a shape and construction to the crookedness and extreme narrowness of the Neckar. 这些木筏的形状和结构都适用于内卡河道弯曲和极狭窄的特点。 They were from fifty to one hundred yards long, and they gradually tapered from a nine-log breadth at their sterns, to a three-log breadth at their bow-ends. 它们的长度由100码逐渐缩为50码,由尾部9根原木的宽度...

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双语美文之似水流年 (46)年轻人(2)

Their lives are mainly spent not in memory but in expectation; 他们不是生活在对往昔的回忆中,而是生活在对未来的盼望中: for expectation refers to the future, memory to the past, and youth has a long future before it and a short past behind it: 因为盼望意味着未来,回忆意味着过去,年轻人未来的日子还很长远,过去的时光只有短暂的一小部分。 on the first day of one’s l...

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双语美文之似水流年 (30)自然(1)

To go into solitude, a man needs to retire as much from his chamber as from society. 走入孤独,远离书斋,如同远离社会一样重要。 I am not solitary whilst I read and write, though nobody is with me. 纵然无人在我身旁,当我读书或写作时,并非独处一隅。 But if a man would be alone, let him look at the stars. 如果一个人渴望独处,就请他抬头仰望星空。 The rays that...

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双语美文之似水流年 (90)老人与海(3)

One hundred fathoms down a marlin was eating the sardines that covered the point and the shank of the hook where the hand-forged hook projected from the head of the small tuna. 在一百英寻的深处有条大马林鱼正在吃包住钓钩尖端和钩身的沙丁鱼,这个手工制的钓钩是从一条小金枪鱼的头部穿出来的。 The old man held the line delicately, and softly, with his left hand, unleashed it...

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双语美文之似水流年 (82)茶和交友(15)

In a true tea lover, the pleasure of handling all the paraphernalia is such that it is enjoyed for its own sake, 凡真正爱茶者,单是摇摩茶具,已经自有其乐趣。 as in the case of Ts’ai Hsiang, who in his old age was not able to drink, but kept on enjoying the preparation of tea as a daily habit. 蔡襄年老时已不能饮茶,但他每天必烹茶以自娱,即其一例。 There was...

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双语美文之似水流年 (92)老人与海(5)

“Eat it a little more,” he said. “Eat it well.” “再吃一些吧,”他说。“美美地吃吧。” Eat it so that the point of the hook goes into your heart and kills you, he thought. Come up easy and let me put the harpoon into you. All right. Are you ready? Have you been long enough at table? 吃了吧,这样可以让钓钩的尖端扎进你的心脏,把你弄死,他想。轻松...

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双语美文之似水流年 (124)经比萨和锡耶纳到罗马(7)

If Pisa be the seventh wonder of the world in right of its Tower,it may claim to be,at least,the second or third in right of its beggars. They waylay the unhappy visitor at every turn,escort him to every door he enters at,and lie in wait for him,with strong reinforcements,at every door by which they know he must come out. The grating of the portal on its hinges is th...

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双语美文之似水流年 (59)内卡河上木筏行(1)

When the landlord learned that I and my agents were artists, our party rose perceptibly in his esteem;we rose still higher when he learned that we were making a pedestrian tour of Europe. 当旅店老板得知我和我的代理人是艺术家时,我们在他心 中的地位就提升了一大截,得知我们正在徒步旅行欧洲后,我们的地位就更高了。 He told us all about the Heidelberg road, and which were ...

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双语美文之似水流年 (48)背影(2)

The next morning, I’d ferry across the river to Pukou,and,from there,catch an afternoon train for Beijing. 第二日上午便须渡江到浦口,下午上车北去。 Father said he was too busy to go and see me off at the railway station, but would ask a hotel waiter that he knew to accompany me there instead. 父亲因为事忙,本已说定不送我,叫旅馆里一个熟识的茶房陪我同去。 ...

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双语美文之似水流年 (29)月升魅无穷(6)

A cricket shrills in the grass. 一只蟋蟀在草丛中长鸣。 I think of poets and musicians. 我想起了诗人和音乐家。 Of Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata and of Shakespeare, whose Lorenzo declaims in The Merchant of Venice, How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank! 想起了贝多芬的《月光奏鸣曲》,以及莎士比亚笔下《威尼斯商人》中洛伦佐的话:月光沉睡在这岸边多么甜美! ...

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双语美文之似水流年 (61)内卡河上木筏行(3)

Grazing the right-bank dike and aiming carefully for the middle arch of the stone bndge below; 顺流而下,擦过堤岸的右侧边缘,小心地对准下游石桥的中孔滑下。 I watched them in this way,and lost all this time hoping to see one of them hit the pridge-pier and wreck itself sometime or other, 我就这样望着它们,在对什么时候能看到它们撞在桥墩,成为残骸的憧憬中迷失了自我。 ...

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双语美文之似水流年 (50)背影(4)

When he came near the train,I hurried out to help him by the hand. 到这边时,我赶紧去搀他。 After boarding the train with me, he laid all the tangerines on my overcoat, and patting the dirt off his clothes,he looked somewhat relieved and said after a while, 他和我走到车上,将橘子一股脑儿放在我的皮大衣上。 于是扑扑衣上的泥土,心里很轻松似的,过一会儿说。 I must...

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双语美文之似水流年 (104)我生命中最重要的一天(2)

I felt approaching footsteps. I stretched out my hand as I supposed to my mother. Some onetook it, and I was caught up and held close in the arms of her who had come to reveal allthings to me, and, more than all things else, to love me. 我感觉到了走近的脚步声,我伸出手,就像迎接母亲那样。有个人抓住了我的手,我被她紧紧地抱在怀中,她就是来向我揭示万事万物的人。事实上,比揭...

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双语美文之似水流年 (100)修女谢谢您的指教(2)

As I glanced at Mark to see how he was doing, he winked at me. When I walked back to Mark’s desk and removed the tape, his first words were, “Thank you for correcting me, Sister.” 我瞟了瞟马克看他有什么反应,结果看到他朝我眨了眨眼睛。而当我回到马克桌前给他撕下胶带时,他说的第一句话便是:“谢谢你指出我的问题,修女。” One Friday, I asked the students to...

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双语美文之似水流年 (93)老人与海(6)

He held the line against his back and watched its slant in the water and the skiff moving steadily to the north-west. 他攥住了勒在背脊上的钓索,紧盯着它直往水中斜去,小船呢,不停地朝西北方驶去。 This will kill him, the old man thought. He can’t do this forever. But four hours later the fish was still swimming steadily out to sea, towing the skiff, and the old ma...

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双语美文之似水流年 (133)郁金香(3)

And was more startled when I heard a second affirm, with great vehemence, that if the Emperor of Germany was not going off, he should like him better than either of them. 然后,我又听到第二个人斩钉截铁地说,如果德国皇帝不退位的话,那么他就最推崇德国皇帝。 He added, that though the season was so changeable, the Duke of Marlborough was in blooming beauty. 听到这里,...

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