
The power of yet. 专注过程,而不是结果。 I heard about a high school in Chicago where students had to pass a certain number of courses to graduate,and if they didn't pass a course, they got the grade Not Yet. 我听说,在芝加哥有一所高中,那儿的学生毕业前要通过一系列课程,如果某一门课没有通过, 成绩就是暂未通过。 And I thought that was fantastic,because if you get a failin...

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I'll tell you what they do next. 让我告诉你他们的表现。 In one study, they told us they would probably cheat the next time instead of studying more if they failed a test. 在一项研究中,他们告诉我们, 如果他们某次考试未通过,他们很可能会在下次考试中作弊, 而不是更加努力地学习。 In another study, after a failure,they looked for someone who did worse than they did so they c...

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Look what happened: in this study,students who were not taught this growth mindset continued to show declining grades over this difficult school transition,but those who were taught this lesson showed a sharp rebound in their grades. 看看后面发生了什么吧:在这项研究中,没有接受成长型思维模式训练的学生,在这一困难的过渡阶段,成绩持续下滑,但那些受过该训练的学生, 成绩强势反弹...

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So the native kids outdid the Microsoft kids. 印第安孩子战胜了微软孩子。 This happened because the meaning of effort and difficulty were transformed. 这得以实现的原因,是努力与困难的意义在孩子心目中发生了改变。 Before, effort and difficulty made them feel dumb, made them feel like giving up,but now, effort and difficulty,that's when their neurons are making new connectio...

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So what can we do? 我们该怎么做呢? How can we build that bridge to yet? 如何让孩子注重过程而不是结果呢? Here are some things we can do. 我们可以做这样几件事。 First of all, we can praise wisely, not praising intelligence or talent. 首先,我们可以有技巧地去表扬: 不去表扬天分或才智, That has failed. 这行不通。 Don't do that anymore. 不要再这样做了。 But praising the pr...

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