
My fellow Americans, 我的美国同胞们, I’m joining you today from the deck of what will be our Nation’s newest aircraft carrier, the soon-to-be commissioned Gerald R. Ford, 我今天在我们国家最新的航空母舰甲板上和你们交流。这是很快就要服役的杰拉尔德·R·福特号。 and as you can see, I’m wearing a jacket and a hat that they just gave me. 正如你看到的,他们刚刚赠给我了...

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My vision includes the elimination of the defense sequester, which has imposed steep cuts on our military. 我的愿景包括消除防御隔离,这严重削减了我们的军力。 We must give our sailors, soldiers, airmen, marines, and coastguardsmen the tools, equipment, resources and training they need to get the job done, 我们必须给予我们的水手,陆军,空军,海军,海岸警卫队他们需要的工具...

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Investing in the military means investing in peace 在军事上投资,意味着在和平上投资 because the best way to prevent war, as George Washington said, is to be prepared for it. 因为避免战争的最好方式,正如乔治·华盛顿所说的,是准备好去应对它。 Most importantly, an investment in the military is an investment in the incredible men and women who serve our country in unifo...

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