美文阅读 (111)战士的最后一封信

July 14,1861. Washington, D.C. My very dear Sarah, 1861年7月14日。华盛顿特区。我最亲爱的莎拉: Indications are very strong that we shall move in a few days, perhaps tomorrow. 任务十分紧迫,部队将在数天内出发,也许就在明天。 Lest I should not be able to write you again, 我觉得有必要写给你几句话, I feel impelled to write a few lines that may fall under your eye when I shall b...

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美文阅读 (191)扎克伯格写给刚出生小女儿的信

A letter to our daughter 一封给我们女儿的信 Dear August, 亲爱的八月: Welcome to the world! 欢迎来到这个世界! Your mom and I are so excited to see who you will become. 我和你妈妈迫不及待地想要知道你会成长为一个怎样的人。 When your sister was born, we wrote a letter about the world we hoped she and now you will grow up into 你姐姐出生的时候,我们给她写了一封信,告诉她我们希...

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