
Thank you so much. Thank you so much, John, for that kind introduction and for your leadership. I obviously also want to thank Catalyst – its directors, advisors, staff and volunteers – for putting together this tremendous event each and every year. And thank you to each and every one of you for being here with us tonight. When I was looking over the schedule for today's...

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一位中学生的话使我想起了一位做事干练的成年女性描述自己童年生活的文章,她写道: 几乎所有的孩子都会挨父母的打骂训斥,我也不例外。但我早记不清我为什么挨骂,甚至打得很疼的一两次。但父母老师的夸奖,我却记得很清楚。比如,刚上学不久,妈妈有次向邻居夸我一回家就先做作业。听到夸奖后,我每次放学回家都先做作业,即使想出去玩,也能按捺住,为的就是听妈妈的夸奖。再如,小学三年级的时候,妈妈...

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