经典英语美文 (38)伊拉克战争中牺牲战士写给儿子的信

To son, Cecil, Just a quick note preface before I start in earnest. When I wrote this you were 8, still a little boy. In 2002, I was called to active duty in the Marine Corps in the War on Terrorism. On the 11th of September 2001 when America was attacked, I knew that I would eventually have to go and I was filled with a deep senseof sadness. That night as you and Keiko were...

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美好而忧伤的美文 (36)一封给我儿子的信(上)

A letter to my son 一封给我儿子的信 Dear Seth, 亲爱的塞斯, You're only three years old, and at this point in your life you can't read, much less understand what I'm going to try to tell you in this letter. 你现在仅仅3岁,此刻你还不识字,更不用说让你去理解我接下来想在这封信里对你所说的话了。 But I've been thinking a lot about the life that you have ahead of y...

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儿子刚出生,老公考上师范了,儿子一周岁,我考上师范了。儿子从此和奶奶待在一起。儿子很懂事,从小就会察言观色。我们经常把幼小的他当成大人看待,凭着主观意愿让儿子做事。儿子虽然不愿意,却也不敢违背。 我的儿子没有童年。他刚刚五岁,我们便开始“早期”教育。电视台有个栏目《小学生说英语》,我就让儿子学说英语。他一脸不高兴,撅着小嘴坐在电视机前,大泪小泪地流着,用含混不清的语...

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