
Requiring scholars and commencement speakers, for that matter 因此 要求学者和毕业典礼发言者 to conform to certain political standards 遵循特定政治标准 undermines the whole purpose of a university 会侵蚀整个大学的存在意义 This spring 今年春 it has been disturbing to see a number of college commencement speakers withdraw 很让人不安的是 很多大学毕业典礼演讲者都被撤销了 or have ...

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And it is that union of values that the 正是这两大价值的结合 terrorists who attacked us on September 11th, 2001 让2001年9月11日及2013年4月15日 and on April 15th, 2013 found most threatening 袭击我们的恐怖分子感到恐惧 To them, we were a God-less country 在他们看来 我们是一个不信神的国家 But in fact, there is no country 但事实上 没有任何国家 that protects the core of every fai...

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I'm sure all of today's graduates have read 我敢肯定 今天毕业的学生肯定都读过 John Stuart Mill's On Liberty 约翰.斯图尔特.密尔的《论自由》 But just let me read a short passage from it 请允许我将其中的一小段读给大家听 "The peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is "强迫别人不能发表意见的邪恶" that it is robbing the human race "...

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In the 2012 presidential race, according to Federal Election Commission data 96 percent of all campaign contributions from Ivy League faculty and employees 2年总统选举中 根据联邦选举委员会数据 常春藤盟校教职员工有96%的捐赠 went to Barack Obama 都给了巴拉克·奥巴马 Ninety-six percent There was more disagreement among the old Soviet Politburo 96%前苏联政治局的差异 than there is...

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This painting is big for a reason 这幅画有一个很了不起的地方 It's called "High Visibility" 它叫"高可见性" It's about picking up the light and daring to be seen 它的主题是接收光芒 勇于被看到 I worked on this for so long, for weeks and weeks 我在这上面花了很多精力 整周整周都用在上面 like a mad man alone on a scaffolding 像一个疯子单独站在脚手架上 an...

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There is no straight path from your seat today to where you are going 从你们所坐的地方到你们要去的地方 是没有直路的 Don't try to draw that line. You will not just get it wrong 不要尝试画这样的直线 这不仅会出错 You'll miss big opportunities and I mean big, like the Internet 还会错失大机遇 我说的是大机遇 例如像互联网这样 Careers are not ladders. Those days are long gon...

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but it's the only way we can improve 但我们只能在批评中进步 A few years ago, Mark Zuckerberg decided he wanted to learn Chinese 几年前 马克·扎克伯格决定要学中文 and in order to practice 为了练习 he started trying to have work meetings with some of 他开始尝试在一些工作会议中 our Facebook colleagues who are native speakers 同中文母语的Facebook同事交流 Now you would think h...

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公众人物毕业英语演讲第3期:雪莉桑德伯格哈佛大学2014毕业典礼演讲 when a staff member informed me very firmly 结果一位员工很肯定地告诉我 that the ladies’ room was over there 女卫生间在那里 and I should be sure not to go up stairs 我务必不要上楼去 because women are never allowed in this building 因为女性不允许进入这座建筑 I didn’t realize I was in an all-male club un...

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I am elated and truly, truly, truly excited to be 我很高兴 也非常非常非常激动 present and fully connected to you at this important moment in your journey 能够到场 出席大家人生旅程中的这一重要时刻 I want to thank the Trustees, Administrators and Faculty of MUM 我要感谢玛赫西管理大学校董会 管理者和教职员工 for creating an institution worthy of Maharishi's ideals of educati...

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Thank you, Katie 感谢凯蒂 and thank you to President Faust, the Fellows of Harvard College, the Board of Overseers 感谢佛斯特校长 哈佛大学部成员 监事会 and all the faculty, alumni, and students who have welcomed me back to campus 还有迎接我回校园的所有教职员工 校友和学生 I'm excited to be here 能来到这里我很激动 not only to address the distinguished graduates and alumni ...

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He was attempting to repress and criminalize 他试图压制和定罪 those who sympathized with an economic system that was, even then, failing 那些赞同哪怕在当时都已经很失败的经济体制的人 McCarthy's Red Scare destroyed thousands of lives 麦卡锡的红色恐惧让数以千计的人失去了生命 but what was he so afraid of? 他害怕的是什么呢 An idea in this case, communism 是一种思想 也就是共产...

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公众人物毕业英语演讲第3期:雪莉桑德伯格哈佛大学2014毕业典礼演讲 But in order to get there 但要实现目标 Hillary Clinton is gonna have to overcome 2 very real obstacles 希拉里·克林顿需要克服两大重要障碍 unknown and often ununderstood gender bias 一是未知 通常也未被理解的性别偏见 and even worse, a degree from Yale 二是更糟的 从耶鲁获得的文凭 You can challenge stereotypes that...

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Joined together 两者结合在一起 they form a sacred trust that holds the basis of our democratic society 构成了维持民主社会根基的神圣信赖 But let me tell you that trust is perpetually vulnerable 但我要告诉大家 这种信赖是很脆弱的 to the tyrannical tendencies of monarchs, mobs, and majorities 特别是在君主 暴民 多数的专横倾向下 And lately, we have seen those tendencies manifest t...

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And if it doesn't happen for you right away 如果它没有立刻实现 it's only because the universe is so busy fulfilling my order 那可能是因为宇宙太忙于满足我的愿望 My father could have been a great comedian 我父亲本来有能力当一个伟大的喜剧演员 but he didn't believe that was possible for him 但他认为实现这个的可能性太渺茫 and so he made a conservative choice 他于是作...

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My personal connection to Harvard began back in 1964 我个人同哈佛的联系始于1964年 when I graduated from Johns Hopkins in Baltimore 我从约翰霍普金斯大学毕业 and matriculated here at the B-School 被录取到这里的商学院 You're probably asking yourself or maybe whispering to the person next to you 你们或许在想 或是正在同旁边的人窃窃私语说 How did he ever get into Harvard Busin...

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Congratulations everyone, you made it 祝贺所有人 你们做到了 And I don't mean to the end of college, I mean to class day 我说的不是大学毕业 而是成功出席今天的毕业日活动 because if memory serves 如果我没记错 some of your classmates had too many scorpion bowls at the Kong last night 某些同学虽然昨晚在香港餐厅喝了太多蝎子碗调酒 and are with us today 但今天还是来了 Given the ...

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When we want to learn more about the immune system 当我们想更深入理解免疫系统 to help cure the worst diseases, 帮助治疗最严重的疾病时 we work with Stanford. 我们找到斯坦福一同合作 When we want to understand the changing landscape of higher education in the United States, 当我们想了解美国高等教育现状的改变趋势 so that more low-income students get college degrees, 帮助更多低收...

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Let's get serious 让我们严肃一些 When 86 Americans are killed with guns every single day 每天都有86位美国人死于枪杀 and shootings regularly occur at our schools and universities 枪击事件也经常发生在校园中 including last week's tragedy at Santa Barbara 包括上周发生在圣巴巴拉的悲剧 it would be almost medical malpractice to say anything else 但除此之外 再说什么估计都会...

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It's been 40 years since then, 从那时到现在 已经过了40年 and 20 years since Melinda and I were married. 我和梅琳达结婚也已经20年了 We are both more optimistic now than ever. 我们现在仍然坚持着这份乐观 甚至更甚于当年 But on our journey, our optimism evolved. 随着人生旅途的展开 这份乐观也随之深化 We would like to tell you what we learned 今天 我们愿与大家分享自己的经历 and...

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As a former chairman of Johns Hopkins 作为约翰霍普金斯大学前任主席 I strongly believe that a university's obligation 我坚信一所大学的职责 is not to teach students what to think but to teach students how to think 并不是教学生思考什么 而是教学生如何思考 And that requires listening to the other side 这就需要倾听不同意见 weighing arguments without prejudging them 不带偏见地...

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