
So now I'm trying to figure out 现在我不得不考虑 am I going to give myself up this situation 自己是否应该退出 do I take cab 然后打的过去 do I take a train 或是坐火车过去 But as soon as that goes into my mind 但就在我有放弃的念头时 all I see is news cameras all around me 我看到周围有很多新闻摄像机 and they're going laugh 记者们开始笑起来 We are live for the marathon ...

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Once when he was eating his contraband ramen 有一次 他正在无照小摊旁边吃面 next to the vendor, police started chasing the vendors and all the customers 警察来了 开始驱赶小摊贩和顾客 But my father told me 但我的父亲告诉我 that as he was running, he kept eating his noodles 他一边跑一边还在吃他的面 because he knew he wouldn't be able to afford any more 因为他知道自己买不起...

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A recent study by a group of psychologists in the journal Science 几位心理学家最近在《科学》杂志上发表了一篇研究论文 found that people are extremely poor at predicting their futures 他们发现人极其不擅长预测自己的未来 The study showed 他们的研究显示 that, for example, a typical 20-year-old woman's predictions 例如 一个典型的20岁女性 for life changes in the next decade of ...

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Baumeister and his colleagues 鲍迈斯特和他的同事们 have shown that taking certain actions to improve willpower 已经证明 采取某些行动来提高意志力 is the surest way to a more successful life 是实现更成功的人生的最可靠的途径 Moreover, they've shown that willpower is like a muscle 此外 他们也已证明 意志力就像肌肉 that can be built with practice 可以通过锻炼来强化 but also th...

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Okay, I see some of you will need to talk to yourselves a little bit 我认为你们有些人应该对自己说一下 Start on Monday 周一开始 if you aren't talking to yourself like crazy and you don't know how powerful you are 如果你不知道自己有多强大 you know, you will need to start to talk to yourself in a mirror 你每天早上可以对着镜子问自己 every morning, do you know how powerfu...

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For a lot of people, the distance between their dreams and their reality is intimidating 在很多人看来 梦想和现实之间的差距太吓人 and they get stuck they get paralyzed 他们因此变得无力 不敢往前 just like I was in that marathon 就像我在马拉松中的情况那样 and the only way forward 前进的唯一办法 is to be real about what it's going to take for you to achieve those dreams 是坦...

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Right there, in that library 就在那个图书馆里 I realized 我意识到 there is nothing greater than a mother's love and desire to protect her child 没有什么比母亲的爱和想保护孩子的心更伟大 nothing 没有什么比得了 I also decided that I will live my life in a way to make her proud 我还决定以让她自豪的方式过好我这一生 I decided to embrace the entrepreneurial spirit of my father ...

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Thank you, good morning 谢谢你们 早上好 Since I was a basketball player in high school 我原来在高中是篮球运动员 I've always wanted to perform at the Garden, and here I am 我总想在花园球场一展身手 今天我做到了 President Joseph E. Aoun 约瑟夫?E?奥恩校长 Distinguished faculty members and administrators 尊敬的各位教职员工和行政人员 Members of the Class of 2013 2013届的全体毕...

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He wanted me to have a skill 他希望我掌握一门本领 and he wanted me to butt my head up against the joy 他希望我能冲向自己的兴趣 but also the hard reality of finishing medical school 但也希望我能刻苦读完医学院 finishing residency 完成实习期 and caring for patients in life-or-death situations 照顾同生与死作斗争患者们 I'm so grateful to my father 我很感谢我的父亲 So far I...

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By graduating today, you've shown the entire world 通过今天的毕业 你们已经向全世界证明 that you have more than enough IQ points to achieve anything you want 你们有足够的智商去获得任何成就 Willpower, discipline and focus — 意志力 纪律和专注 the essential qualities for success that everyone needs — 每个人都需要的成功的必备素质 are in your hands to develop and b...

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It took me 26 years to get on this stage 如今 我花了26年才走到这一步 And I give all glory to God 这份荣耀属于上帝 26, that's the same amount as marathon 26 和马拉松一样的数字 God works in mysterious ways, you see 上帝的设计很神秘 看到了吗 You just gotta pay attention to signs out there 你需要关注上帝的启示 Sometimes, you gotta be still 有时 你需要坚持 You know I'm ju...

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They fell in love, married 他们坠入爱河 缔结良缘 my older brother was born in New York City 在纽约市生下我哥哥 and then returned to Korea 然后回到韩国 I was born in Seoul and when I was five 我出生在首尔 在我五岁时 my family moved back to the United States 我们举家搬回到美国 and we eventually settled in Muscatine, Iowa 我们最终定居在爱荷华州的马斯卡廷 My father opened his de...

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I want to thank my family right there too in the front row and they came from everywhere 我还要感谢来到现场的我的家人 There you go. I see you 谢谢你们 我看到你们了 But Howard became my family too 霍华德也成了我的家 It gave me a second home 它给了我第二个家 When I couldn't afford a place to live 我找不到住的地方时 it was my Howard friends 多亏了我在霍华德的朋友们 Hall Pie...

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You will change the world 你们将能改变世界 Let that sink in 记住这一点 You will change the world 你们将能改变世界 I want you to take the craziest dream you've ever had 我要你们勇敢去做最疯狂的梦 that dream that you're too embarrassed to tell anyone about 哪怕这个梦想让你觉得讲出来很不好意思 and I want you to go out there 我希望你们努力去实现 I want you to make it a r...

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And because of that, I've got to tell you the truth 这方面 我要给你们讲真相 that one of my favorite place was the Quad Quad是我最喜欢的地方之一 You see, in my freshman year, everybody asked me do I stay in Drew Hall 我在大一那年 所有人都问我是否待在Drew Hall楼 and I had to tell them, no, I stay in the Quad 我跟他们说 没有 我待在Quad And I actually stayed there until I go...

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Don't clap for me. I want you to clap for yourselves 不要给我鼓掌 我希望你们给自己鼓掌 I can't wait for you to live in a world that you are about to create 我等不及想看你们生活在自己创造的世界中 I can't wait to witness the crazy dreams that you are going to make real 我等不及想见证你们那些疯狂梦想的实现 I can't wait to watch you change the world 我等不及想看...

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And yes I checked it clear 没错 我很确信 Now I know that you've heard the cliche quote that 你们肯定听过一句名言 life is a marathon not a sprint 生命是马拉松 而不是冲刺 And I'm going to tell you that sometimes 我要告诉你们 有时 you don't even have the time to prepare for your marathon 你甚至连为马拉松做准备的时间都没有 See I only had eight weeks 我就只有八周时间 ...

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I played quarterback on the football team in high school– 我在高中橄榄球队打四分卫 but don't be too impressed 但别以为我们有多了不起 we had the longest losing streak in the nation by the time I graduated as a senior 在我毕业那年 我们是全国连败最长的队 Years and years without a victory 一年又一年 我们一次都没赢过 It was said that grandfathers of my teammates 有人说 ...

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He said and these are his words he said 我引用他的原话 他说 For twenty years I was a slave on these streets 我在这些街道上当了二十年奴隶 It was a penitentiary offense to educate a Negro 为黑人提供教育曾是应处监禁的罪行 I have seen my fellow-servants whipped for trying to learn 我亲眼见到过尝试学习的奴隶同胞受到鞭刑 but today here I am 而今天我站在这里 speaking where a buildi...

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I made a decision. Now I was going to see that decision through 我下的决定就一定要贯彻 Now, that sounds all good. I'm talking to myself 这听起来很好 我跟自己讲 Oh, that sounds good. But it's 26.2 miles ahead of me 前面不过也就只有26.2英里嘛 Now we get to the day of marathon 到了马拉松赛当天 I'm feeling good. I just knew I was going to win the race 我感觉良好 我觉...

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