
My fellow Americans. This week, I was joined at the White House by American families whose loved ones were killed by illegal immigrants. 我的美国同胞们,本周,我在白宫和美国的家人们在一起。他们爱着的人们被非法移民所杀害。 Many of these illegal immigrants had extensive criminal records and had been repeatedly deported. 很多这样的非法移民,让犯罪记录上涨,他们也一直反复...

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This law will enhance criminal penalties for those who repeatedly re-enter our country illegally. 这一法案将对那些多次非法重复进入我们国家的人们加强刑事处罚。 The second bill, the No Sanctuary For Criminals Act, 第二个法案,罪犯无庇护所法案, will block federal grants to jurisdictions that shield dangerous criminal aliens from being turned over to federal law enfo...

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This legislation presents a simple choice: either vote to save and protect American lives, 这一法案代表着一个简单的选择:投票拯救和保护人们的生命, or vote to shield and comfort criminal aliens who threaten innocent lives – and they’ve been shielded too long. 投票保护和慰藉犯罪的外国人。这些外国人威胁着无辜的生命–他们已经受庇护很长时间了。 As we ...

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