TED演讲之入门 内向性格的力量(12)

Okay, number two: Go to the wilderness. Be like Buddha, have your own revelations. 好的,第二,去旷野探索吧。像佛祖一样,有自己的启示。 I’m not saying that we all have to now go off and build our own cabins in the woods and never talk to each other again, 我不是在说我们马上要去盖个山中小屋隐居起来,也不是要你们互不往来, but I am saying that we could all s...

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TED演讲之入门 内向性格的力量(2)

But the first time that I took my book out of my suitcase, the coolest girl in the bunk came up to me and she asked me, 但是当我第一次把书从行李箱中拿出来的时候,床铺中最酷的那个女孩向我走了过来,并且她问我: “Why are you being so mellow?” — mellow, of course, being the exact opposite of R-O-W-D-I-E. “为什么你要这么安静?”安静,当然,是R-O-W-D-I-E...

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TED演讲之入门 内向性格的力量(7)

Now, of course, this does not mean that we should all stop collaborating 当然了,这并不意味着我们都应该停止合作 and case in point, is Steve Wozniak famously coming together with Steve Jobs to start Apple Computer 恰当的例子呢,是史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克和史蒂夫·乔布斯的著名联手,创建苹果电脑公司, but it does mean that solitude matters and that for some people it is th...

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TED演讲之入门 内向性格的力量(6)

Now I think at this point it’s important for me to say that I actually love extroverts. 现在我必须申明,我其实非常喜欢外向的人。 I always like to say some of my best friends are extroverts, including my beloved husband. 我很多知心友人都是外向者,我心爱的丈夫也是。 And we all fall at different points, of course, along the introvert/extrovert spectrum. 内...

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TED演讲之入门 内向性格的力量(1)

When I was nine years old, I went off to summer camp for the first time. 当我九岁的时候,我第一次去参加夏令营。 And my mother packed me a suitcase full of books, which to me seemed like a perfectly natural thing to do. 我妈妈帮我整理好了我的行李箱,里面塞满了书,这对于我来说是一件极为自然的事情。 Because in my family, reading was the primary group activity. ...

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TED演讲之入门 内向性格的力量(5)

Okay, same thing is true in our workplaces. 在职场上何尝不是如此。 Now, most of us work in open plan offices, without walls, where we are subject to the constant noise and gaze of our coworkers. 我们大多在开放的空间工作,没有隔阂,我们持续暴露于嘈杂的声音跟同事的目光下。 And when it comes to leadership, introverts are routinely passed over for leadership positio...

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TED演讲之入门 内向性格的力量(8)

Now if all this is true, then why are we getting it so wrong? 如果这一切都是真的,我们为何错的一塌糊涂? Why are we setting up our schools this way, and our workplaces? 我们为何把学校跟职场架设成这样? And why are we making these introverts feel so guilty about wanting to just go off by themselves some of the time? 我们为何要让这些内向者,因为想有独立自处的时...

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TED演讲之入门 内向性格的力量(9)

Now none of this is to say that social skills are unimportant, and I’m also not calling for the abolishing of teamwork at all. 我所说的完全不是指社交技能不重要,我也不是在说团队精神没有存在价值。 The same religions who send their sages off to lonely mountain tops also teach us love and trust. 相同的宗教圣贤们今日仍旧教导我们爱与信。 And the problems that w...

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TED演讲之入门 内向性格的力量(3)

Now this is what many introverts do, and it’s our loss for sure, but it is also our colleagues’ loss and our communities’ loss. 这就是很多内向的人正在做的事情,这当然是我们的损失,但这同样也是同事们的损失,我们所在团队集体的损失。 And at the risk of sounding grandiose, it is the world’s loss. 当然,冒着被指为夸大其词的风险,我想说,更是世界...

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TED演讲之入门 内向性格的力量(10)

But he also loved his congregation, 但他也很享受宗教集会, and you could feel this love in the sermons that he gave every week for the 62 years that he was a rabbi. 62年来,他每周都会在犹太教布道会上讲道。 He would takes the fruits of each week’s reading and he would weave these intricate tapestries of ancient and humanist thought. 他会从每周的阅读中汲...

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TED演讲之入门 内向性格的力量(4)

But now here’s where the bias comes in. 但是现在偏见出现了。 Our most important institutions, our schools and our workplaces, 我们最重要的机构,学校及职场, they are designed mostly for extroverts and for extroverts’ need for lots of stimulation. 却像是为外向者设计的,并且有适合他们需要的刺激。 And also we have this belief system right now that...

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TED演讲之入门 内向性格的力量(11)

And that’s a lot harder for me, because as honored as I am to be here with all of you right now, this is not my natural milieu. 这不是我拿手的事情,但能站在这里向你们说话,能对在坐的各为传达我的想法,是何等荣耀的事情。 So I prepared for moments like these as best I could. 所以我尽我所能,为了这一天做好准备。 I spent the last year practicing public speaking...

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