TED演讲之入门 学校扼杀创造力(11)

But as they went out of the room, he turned on the radio that was sitting on his desk. 但医生在出去时,把在办公桌上的收音机打开了。 And when they got out, he said to her mother, "Just stand and watch her." 在他们走出房间后,医生对她妈妈说: “我们就站在这儿观察一下她。” And the minute they left the room, she was on her feet, moving to the music. 他们离开房间后,Gilli...

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TED演讲之入门 学校扼杀创造力(7)

And I like university professors, but you know, we shouldn't hold them up as the high-water mark of all human achievement. 我倾慕大学教授的学识,但我们不应该用这样一个头衔作为衡量一个人成功与否的分水岭。 They're just a form of life, another form of life. 其实大学教授只是360行中的一行。 But they're rather curious, and I say this out of affection for them. 只不过他...

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TED演讲之入门 学校扼杀创造力(6)

But something strikes you when you move to America and travel around the world: 但搬到美国后,有些事使我印象深刻: Every education system on Earth has the same hierarchy of subjects. Every one. 如果你周游世界,你会发现每个国家的教育体系都存在相同的学科等级制度。没有例外。 Doesn't matter where you go. You'd think it would be otherwise, but it isn't. 不论哪个国家。...

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TED演讲之入门 学校扼杀创造力(4)

What these things have in common is that kids will take a chance. 以上例子的共同点就是孩子们愿意冒险。 If they don't know, they'll have a go. Am I right? 对于未知的事物,他们愿意去尝试。难道不是吗? They're not frightened of being wrong. I don't mean to say that being wrong is the same thing as being creative. 即使尝试的结果是错误的,他们也不惧怕。当然,我并...

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TED演讲之入门 学校扼杀创造力(1)

Good morning. How are you? It's been great, hasn't it? 早上好,还好吗? 很好吧,对不对? I've been blown away by the whole thing. In fact, I'm leaving. 我已经飘飘然了! 我要飘走了。 There have been three themes running through the conference which are relevant to what I want to talk about. 这次会议有三个主题,这三个主题贯穿会议始终,并且和我要谈的内容有关。 One ...

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TED演讲之入门 学校扼杀创造力(2)

But if you ask about their education, they pin you to the wall. 但如果你要他们谈谈他们的受教育经历,他们会把你“钉到墙上”。 Because it's one of those things that goes deep with people, am I right? 因为这些事情都涉及个人的隐私,对吗? Like religion, and money and other things. 比如宗教信仰,薪水等。 So I have a big interest in education, and I think we all do. 我对教育特别...

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TED演讲之入门 学校扼杀创造力(5)

How annoying would that be? "Must try harder." 多么不可思议。“你要努力学习”。 Being sent to bed by his dad, you know, to Shakespeare, "Go to bed, now! And put the pencil down." 你能想象他父亲边说边把他抱上床,“现在该睡觉了,放下笔。 "And stop speaking like that. It's confusing everybody." 别再写那些东西了,别人都看不懂。” Anyway, we moved fr...

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TED演讲之入门 学校扼杀创造力(9)

We know three things about intelligence. One, it's diverse. 培养人才有三个原则。第一,多样化。 We think about the world in all the ways that we experience it. 我们认知世界的角度不同。 We think visually, we think in sound, we think kinesthetically. 有的从视觉角度,有的从听觉角度,有的从美学角度。 We think in abstract terms, we think in movement. 有的从抽象的角度,有的从动...

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TED演讲之入门 学校扼杀创造力(12)

What I think it comes to is this: Al Gore spoke the other night about ecology and the revolution that was triggered by Rachel Carson. 现在,我想说的是:AL Gore曾在这里做过一次演讲,内容是关于生态学以及Rachel Carson引发的那次环境保护运动。 I believe our only hope for the future is to adopt a new conception of human ecology, 我相信对于未来,我们的唯一出路是贯彻一种新的人性化生...

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TED演讲之入门 学校扼杀创造力(8)

And the second is academic ability, which has really come to dominate our view of intelligence, 第二点,学术能力已经成为衡量好学生的主要标准, because the universities designed the system in their image. 这种标准是那些大学自己制定的。 If you think of it, the whole system of public education around the world is a protracted process of university entrance. 只要你思考一下就会发...

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TED演讲之入门 学校扼杀创造力(10)

And the third thing about intelligence is, it's distinct. 培养好学生的第三个原则就是个性化。 I'm doing a new book at the moment called "Epiphany," 我目前在写本书,书名叫《顿悟》, which is based on a series of interviews with people about how they discovered their talent. 素材来自一些访谈,访谈内容是关于怎样发现自身的才能。 I'm fascinated by how people ...

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TED演讲之入门 学校扼杀创造力(3)

I heard a great story recently — I love telling it — of a little girl who was in a drawing lesson. 最近我听到一个很不错的故事。我很愿意讲讲这个故事,说的是一个小女孩正在上绘画课。 She was six, and she was at the back, drawing, 小女孩只有六岁,她坐在教室的后排,正在画画, and the teacher said this girl hardly ever paid attention, and in this drawing lesson, she di...

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(1)不够稳重沉着。尤其作为刚刚参加工作不久的职场新鲜人,对突发事件往往措手不及,结果行动常过分急躁。更甚者每次遇事每次如此,给老板留下不可调教的印象。 (2)不够成熟。不能具体地评断工作价值,往往分不清工作的目的是什么,是为了赚钱?还是为了立名?或是为了乐趣。给老板一种整个人浑浑噩噩的感觉。 (3)理论与实际不能配合。喜欢夸夸其谈,一旦需要实际操作时,往往发生许多困难,却又找不出原因何...

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提高40%工作效率的9大方法 1、不要加班 科学研究表明,如果员工的工作时间能从每周6天,每天10小时,减少到每周5天,每天7~8小时,工作效率将会有所提高。 2、不要同时处理多个工作任务 同时处理多个工作任务会让你的工作速度变慢,并且更容易犯错。 3、自然光对工作有好处 坐在窗边的员工得季节性情感障碍的概率更小,出勤率也更高。 4、学会说不 我们不应该死板的努力工作,而应该专注于那些最有价值的工...

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多利用游戏培养宝宝的创造力。如搭积木、堆雪人、玩泥沙、揉面团或粘土雕塑等都会给宝宝留有充分想象和发挥的余地。 角色游戏、戏剧游戏对宝宝也是一种极好的想象训练和创造训练。 多给宝宝买一些组合性玩具和多用途的玩具对培养宝宝的创造力更有利。 从身边的科学入手,培养宝宝的创造力。如做家务时,感到不顺手,不方便时,可启发宝宝动脑,试着改变干活的方法、姿势和工具。 鼓励宝宝发问,鼓励宝宝去...

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