
The result has been the loss of numerous industries, the decimation of entire communities, and years of sluggish growth and flat wages. 结果是众多行业的消失,整个社区的覆灭和数年里持平或者缓慢增长的工资。 Throughout American history, our nation’s best leaders have believed in the importance of protecting our domestic industry. 在美国历史上,我们国家最棒的领袖们...

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James Garfield said of our nation’s manufacturers: “To them the country owes the splendor of the position it holds before the world.” 詹姆斯.加菲尔德向我们的制造商说:”对他们来说,国家欠他们在世界面前的光辉形象。” William McKinley believed that when America protects our workers and industries, we “open up a higher and better destiny f...

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Instead, we will follow two simple but very crucial rules 反而,我们将遵循两条简单并且非常关键的规则 We will buy American and we will hire American. 我们将购买美国的商品,我们将雇佣美国的员工。 Already, we have created over a million new jobs this year – and doing even better than anticipated. 今年以来,我们已经创造了一百多万的新岗位–比预计的还要更好...

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My fellow Americans, 我的美国同胞们, On Monday, I signed a Presidential Proclamation declaring this to be “Made in America Week”. 周一,我签署了总统公告,宣布本周是”美国制造周。” We believe that our country is stronger, safer, and more prosperous when we make more of our goods and our products right here in the USA. 我们相信,我们在国内制...

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