励志演讲 :携手打造电子化世界(20)

So this is the Electronic World HP is helping customers build. We want to help you build and manage the IT infrastructure that allows you to extend your reach into new opportunities. We want to help you move your business processes to the Net quickly and to use it to create entirely new ways of doing business. We want to serve the needs of people who are working at home, and...

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励志演讲 :携手打造电子化世界(18)

Third, our network-ready PCs enable people to transmit information to friends around the world or to share it with people they don't even know by posting it on a Web site. And, of course, we're providing the capabilities to print and duplicate that information. In fact, our all-in-one products do more than that. They print. They scan. They copy. They send and receive...

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励志演讲 :携手打造电子化世界(19)

Let me say a few words about VeriFone's capabilities. They started by providing solutions in the physical world with equipment such as payment terminals. The company then moved to become an early adopter of client/server computing, developing its solution on HP 9000 servers. As the Internet has grown in robustness, VeriFone has duplicated its capabilities in the physical...

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励志演讲 :携手打造电子化世界(16)

To give you a glimpse of the role imaging will play, let me describe what we're doing with Liz Claiborne, the very popular designer of women's clothing. We're working together to create a "virtual showroom" that will show the latest fashions. It will allow early viewing and on-line purchasing. This approach will provide Liz Claiborne with a new channel ...

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励志演讲 :携手打造电子化世界(17)

Unlike some of our competitors, HP has built a thriving consumer business. We have many products aimed at home users and small businesses, and we've developed the supply chain efficiency and support capabilities to serve mass markets. We've also been working hard to establish a higher profile in this arena. We've recently launched a branding campaign with the the...

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励志演讲 :携手打造电子化世界(21)

In total there will be more than 30,000 participants in HP MegaForum in 1998, taking part in seminars on a wide range of topics, product demonstrations and trade shows. To my knowledge, an IT event of this scale and comprehensiveness represents a first both for China, and for HP. China HP also hosts another important IT event each year aimed for end-users called HP Electroni...

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『励志演讲』我们可以没有金钱,却不能没有尊严,金钱买不到尊严,尊严却要无奈的因为金钱,委曲求全。这就是我们的今天。今天的生活就是一张网,尊严就是网的结点,不去破坏结点,撒网才会成圆。李白傲骨文人尊严,游大好河山,踏九州大地,留下多少千古绝篇。他那种“天生我才必有用,千金散尽还复来”的豪言,和对金钱的淡然,是不是让现在的我们汗颜。 尊严是什么?是骨气,是人格,是尊重,是面子,是品...

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『励志演讲』我没什么伟大的成就,我们每个人为社会做的事儿都是受社会制约的,社会给你所有的不好,可能都会成为你的好,所有社会给予你的好,可能都会成为你的不好。当社会贫穷的时候,当社会不给你机会的时候,一旦有一个机会你就可能冒出来了,但当社会遍地是机会的时候,你可能永远拾不起这个机会,每个机会都会放弃掉。 我今天可以跟社会公开讲的成就无非是我做的博物馆,因为当时社会不给机会,全中...

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『励志演讲』虽然立秋了,但是这个城市依然炎热无比。我拖着女儿的手,为了选读一间好的幼儿园,辗转于这个城市的各个地方。从前不懂不会的事情,现在慢慢都逐渐熟稔。我知道,我不再是当年那个坐在外滩希望有个人能够牵起我的手带我走的姑娘了。 十二的文章写得很好,我希望大家能够多多从她的文章中学得一些东西,而不是单纯的刷豆瓣打发时间。我与十二认识六年多,我在她的文字里看到太多艰辛以及这一路...

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『励志文章』去年是美国耶鲁大学300周年校庆,全球第二大软件公司“甲骨文”的行政总裁、世界第四富豪艾里森应邀参加典礼。艾里森当着耶鲁大学校长、教师、校友、毕业生的面,发表了一番惊世骇俗的言论。他说:“所有哈佛大学、耶鲁大学等名校的师生都自以为是成功者,其实你们全都是loser(失败者),因为你们以在有过比尔·盖茨等优秀学生的大学念书为荣,但比尔·盖茨却并不以在哈佛读过书为荣。” 这番话令全...

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『励志演讲』我们每个人都会有这样的经历,在物质过剩的时候,我们便会变得十分腻烦和不知所措。酒喝得太多了会吐,饭吃得太多了会胀,肚子里油水太多了会胖,人不需要劳作了会生出很多富贵病。 人类的很多疾病都源于物质生活的过剩。当我看到一个肥胖的人牵着一条肥胖的狗从路上走过,我不仅为人感到痛苦,也为狗感到痛苦。它本来应该健康地奔跑在田野上,追逐野兔或白云,现在却被害得连路都走不动。我想...

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