
We've told the incredible police of our nation that they have our full support as they work to bring down violent crime rates. 我们对我们伟大的警察说:你们努力降低暴力犯罪率,我们会全力支持。 We've taken bold action to go after criminal cartels, and made it a top priority to prosecute anyone who targets law enforcement. 我们采取了大胆的行动去追踪犯罪集团,把起诉将执...

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And relief is what we are determined to give them. 而我们决定向民众伸出援手。 I want every American to know that action on Obamacare is an urgent necessity. 我想让每位美国人知道:对奥巴马医改的行动是紧急而必要的。 The law is collapsing around us, and if we do not act to save Americans from this wreckage, 这个法案正在我们身边崩塌,如果我们不行动起来将美国人从废墟中解救出来, ...

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This plan is part of a three-pronged reform process. 这个计划是三管齐下改革过程的一部分。 In concert with the plan in front of Congress, I have directed Dr. Tom Price,our Secretary of Health and Human Services, 我指示健康与公众服务部部长——Tom Price博士 to use his authority to reduce regulations that are driving up costs of care. 运用权力削减正抬高医疗成本的法规,这与我向国会...

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My fellow Americans, I truly believe that the first 100 days of my Administration has been just about the most successful in our country's history. 我的美国同胞们,我由衷相信本届政府上任的前100天,约是美国历史上最成功的。 Most importantly, we're bringing back jobs. 最重要的是,我们让众多工作机会重返国内。 You asked the people of Michigan; you asked the people of Ohio...

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That day was a turning point for our nation. 那天是我们美国的转折点。 It put the countries of this world on notice that the sellout of the American worker was over. 这一举动提醒着全世界的国家:对美国工人的背叛行为终结了。 In the following weeks, I took unprecedented actions to reverse Federal overreach and unleash job creation. 在后来的几周,我采取了前所未有的行动,扭转联邦...

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I've saved 725 million dollars plus, just by getting involved in the negotiation. 仅仅通过参与谈判,我就为该计划节省了超过七亿两千五百万美元的费用。 We're cutting costs, and we're going to have a truly competitive and great country again. 我们正在削减开支,我们要重获一个有真正竞争力而又伟大的国家。 In just fourteen weeks, my administration has brought profound ch...

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My fellow Americans, in March, we celebrate Women’s History Month, 我的美国同胞们,3月份,我们共同庆祝妇女历史月, honoring the countless contributions that women leaders, scientists, and entrepreneurs have made throughout American history. 向在美国历史中做出无数贡献的女性领袖、女科学家和女企业家致敬。 We are a greater, stronger, and more just Nation today because of women l...

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Americans were promised that Obamacare would bring premiums down $2,500 for a typical family. 当时的政府承诺:奥巴马医改会让美国普通家庭的医保费降至2500美元。 Instead, they’ve gone up by more than $4,000. 而实际上,其费用却涨到了4000多美元。 Americans were promised that Obamacare would increase competition and provide them with more choices. 当时的政府承诺:奥巴马医改会促进...

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