
Hi. As you've probably noticed, I'm not the President. 大家好,你们应该注意到了,我并不是总统。 I'm just a citizen. 我只是一介平民。 And as a citizen, I'm here at the White House today because I want to make a difference and I hope you will join me. 而作为一名公民,我今天之所以能够来到白宫,是因为我想让大家跟我一起寻求改变。 My name is Francine Wheeler. 我叫...

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TED演讲之感动重临 献给欺凌的受害者

There's so many of you. 好多人呀。 When I was a kid, I hid my heart under the bed, because my mother said, 当我还是小孩子的时候,我把自己的心藏在床底下,因为我的妈妈告诉我, "If you're not careful, someday someone's going to break it." “你要是不小心保管,终有一天有人会摧毁它。” Take it from me. Under the bed is not a good hiding spot. 听我说,床底下并不...

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TED演讲之感动重临 献给欺凌的受害者(4)

When I was a kid, I used to think that pork chops and karate chops were the same thing. 当我是小孩子的时候,我曾经认为“猪排骨”和“空手劈”是一样的。 I thought they were both pork chops. 我以为它们都是猪排的意思。 And because my grandmother thought it was cute, 而我的奶奶觉得我这样很可爱, and because they were my favorite, she let me keep doing it. 而因为我喜欢这些,所以她并没...

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TED演讲之感动重临 献给欺凌的受害者(6)

He was a broken branch grafted onto a different family tree, adopted, 这个男生被嫁接在另外一个家庭上,被人领养, not because his parents opted for a different destiny. 并不是因为他的父母离婚了。 He was three when he became a mixed drink of one part left alone and two parts tragedy, 他在三岁的时候就饮下了一杯孤独、两杯苦难勾兑的酒, started therapy in eighth grade, had a pers...

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TED演讲之感动重临 献给欺凌的受害者(3)

From age 15 to 18, I hated myself for becoming the thing that I loathed: a bully. 在15到18岁之间,我憎恨自己,憎恨我变成了我厌恶的样子:一个恃强凌弱的人。 When I was 19, I wrote, "I will love myself despite the ease with which I lean toward the opposite." 19岁的时候,我写道:“我将爱我自己,不去在乎自己是否站在自己讨厌的位置。” Standing up for yourself doesn't ha...

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TED演讲之感动重临 献给欺凌的受害者(2)

We were being told that we somehow must become what we are not, 不知道为什么我们总是被灌输,我们必须变成跟自己不同的样子, sacrificing what we are to inherit the masquerade of what we will be. 牺牲原本的自我来适应我们将要戴上的身份面具。 I was being told to accept the identity that others will give me. 我总是被要求接受别人赋予我的身份。 And I wondered, what made my dreams so...

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TED演讲之感动重临 献给欺凌的受害者(7)

Every school was a big top circus tent, and the pecking order went from acrobats to lion tamers, 每个学校都像是一个大马戏团,人与人之间等级分明,从杂耍员到驯兽师, from clowns to carnies, all of these miles ahead of who we were. 从小丑到龙套,他们的等级都比我们高好几层楼。 We were freaks — lobster claw boys and bearded ladies, oddities juggling depression and lonelines...

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TED演讲之感动重临 献给欺凌的受害者(5)

So we grew up believing no one would ever fall in love with us, that we'd be lonely forever, 所以我们长大后觉得没有人会爱上我们,我们注定孤独一辈子, that we'd never meet someone to make us feel like the sun 而我们遇到的那些把我们当作太阳的人, was something they built for us in their toolshed. 不过是把我们当作是一种备选的工具。 So broken heartstrings bled the blues,...

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