
郭敬明:把青春和文学化为商业 作者:宋诗婷 名牌、华服、秀场,郭敬明在他的作品里肆意挥洒对物质的痴迷。他用商人的逻辑应对声讨,把梦想、奋斗和友谊与奢侈品一起,包装成可贩卖的青春。 郭敬明几乎从不跟嘲讽他的人骂架。他很有自知之明,乐嘉让他推荐他的作品,郭敬明直言:“你不是我的目标读者,不用看,对你来讲不值得看。” 你不喜欢郭敬明?没关系,他不在乎。 他完全按商业规则出牌,时尚、粉嫩、...

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奥巴马演讲 关于工作数量和小商业前景的谈话2

It’s going to help small business owners upgrade their plants and equipment, it will encourage large corporations to get off the sidelines and start putting their profits back into the economy, and it will accelerate $55 billion in tax cuts for businesses that make job-creating investments over the next year. Third, it creates a new initiative to strengthen state progr...

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