
But truthfully, we all spend sort of a big part of our lives just trying not to be gross. 但事实上,我们一生中都花费了很长时间试着摆脱恶心的感觉。 When you really think about it, we're sort of just like bags of fluids and some weird tissues surrounded by a thin layer of skin. 当你们认真思考它时,我们也不过是皮包着骨头的生物罢了–薄薄的皮肤包裹着液体和奇怪的组织。 An...

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And while I don't have any concrete data to back up this next idea, 虽然目前我没有具体的数据来支持我的下一个想法, I think that for a lot of us, it happens around the time we hit puberty. 但我认为对大多数人来说,当我们迈入青春期时,这种情况便已司空见惯。 And you know — yeah, I know. So during puberty, our bodies are changing, and we're sweating more, 就像这样&#...

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And after a year and a half of making my show, I can tell you that very often when we explore the gross side of life, 从我制作节目以来的一年半中,我可以告诉各位,当我们探索生命中恶心的部分时, we find insights that we never would have thought we'd find, and we even often reveal beauty that we didn't think was there. 我们经常会获得意料之外的洞察,甚至经常揭示一些出乎...

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Did you know that one of the first fertility drugs was made from the pee of Catholic nuns, and that even the Pope got involved? 你知道世界上第一例催孕药是用天主教修女的尿合成的,甚至与大主教也有关系? So, this is totally true. Back in the 1950s, scientists knew that when women enter menopause, 这是真实的事件。20世纪50年代,科学家们发现当女人进入更年期时, they start releasin...

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So at a certain point, when kids get a little bit older, 到了某个阶段,当孩子们逐渐长大, there's this way that engaging with gross stuff isn't just about curiosity, 这样对待恶心事物的方法,已不只与好奇心有关, it's also about, sort of, finding out where the limits are, pushing the boundaries of what's OK. 某种程度上,也有可能与发现极限有关,在允许的情况下会...

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And the comment section for that video became sort of like a self-help section, 并且那个视频的评论区变得有点像一个励志互助区, where people could talk about their tonsil stone experiences and, like, tips and tricks for getting rid of them. 人们可以谈论他们扁桃体结石的经历,比如摆脱它们的方法和策略。 And I think it became this great way for people to talk about something that...

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There's another reason that talking to your doctor about your health and gross stuff is really, really important. 与医生谈论健康和恶心的东西有很重要的另外一个原因。 Doctors and the scientific community can only address issues when they know there's something to address. 医生和科研人员只有了解哪里出了问题,才能有针对性地解决这些问题。 So one of the really interesting ...

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A single sea hare will inseminate the partner in front of it and receive sperm from the one behind, 单只海兔会向正前方的配偶射精,并接受后方的精子。 which is sort of like an awesome time-saver, when you think about it. 这倒是个省时省力的好方法,不妨想象一下。 But if scientists had only seen this and they were like, "OK, we're just not going to touch that with a stic...

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们每天都有和别人沟通互动,但经常不经意地话不投机或语出伤人都不自知。如下是观察很多职场青年人说话中的问题,而总结如下职场沟通秘籍,分享给希望改善沟通和人际关系朋友们,不是教大家甜言蜜语,也不是教大家要心直口快,而是教大家正确适当地表达,让他人更好理解我们而避免更多误解: 1、尽量避免反问句,多用客观陈述句。这是最典型的句式,“我不是告诉过你”,“你不是已经&helli...

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惹人喜爱,是大多数人在人际交往过程中想要达到的。益处很显然,就是在你需要帮助的时候,将会得到更多双援助之手,人们会给你带来你从来都不知道的关于新契机的信息。总之,他们会真正地关心你,呵护你。 但是,怎样才能使别人喜欢上自己呢?怎样才能让自己变得惹人喜爱呢?实际上只有一条简单的规则:在别人喜欢你之前,去喜欢别人。当人们意识到你喜欢他们时,很自然的,他们也会喜欢上你的。 对于这一点...

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惹人喜爱,是大多数人在人际交往过程中想要达到的。益处很显然,就是在你需要帮助的时候,将会得到更多双援助之手,人们会给你带来你从来都不知道的关于新契机的信息。总之,他们会真正地关心你,呵护你。 但是,怎样才能使别人喜欢上自己呢?怎样才能让自己变得惹人喜爱呢?实际上只有一条简单的规则:在别人喜欢你之前,去喜欢别人。当人们意识到你喜欢他们时,很自然的,他们也会喜欢上你的。 对于这一点...

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