美国经典英文演讲100篇:"Black Power"

Stokely Carmichael Black Power delivered October 1966, Berkeley, CA Thank you very much. It’s a privilege and an honor to be in the white intellectual ghetto of the West. We wanted to do a couple of things before we started. The first is that, based on the fact that SNCC, through the articulation of its program by its chairman, has been able to win elections in Georgia, Ala...

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President Bush Attends Council of the Americas  THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. Please be seated. Bill, thank you for the kind introduction. Thanks for giving me a chance to come by and see that the Secretary of State’s dining room is a lot better than the President’s dining room. (Laughter.) I’m honored to be here. I’m pleased to be with the Council o...

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美国经典英文演讲100篇:1988 DNC Address(下)

How do I document that case? Seven years later, the richest 1 percent of our society pays 20 percent less in taxes. The poorest 10 percent pay 20 percent more: Reaganomics. Reagan gave the rich and the powerful a multibillion-dollar party. Now the party is over. He expects the people to pay for the damage. I take this principal position, convention, let us not raise taxes on...

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THE PRESIDENT: Be seated. (Laughter.) Welcome. What a great day for the White House. I am pleased to welcome volunteers from around the United States who have given of their time to help those who need help, and we’re sure glad you’re here. Those of you today who perform acts of kindness do so out of love, and you do so out of a desire not to be recognized —...

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President Bush Meets with President Compaore of Burkina Faso PRESIDENT BUSH: Mr. President, thank you for coming. I first started my conversation with the President by complimenting him on his leadership in the United Nations and in the region. You’ve been a constructive force for peace and stability. And we talked about Zimbabwe. I made my position abundantly clear th...

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President Bush Meets with Cabinet Members THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. I just finished a good Cabinet meeting, and I want to thank the members of my Cabinet for serving our country. We discussed the challenges facing our economy, amongst other things, and we spent time on the high gasoline prices. Every one of our citizens who drives to work or runs a small business is feeli...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 依照圣经指导原则生活的一年(9)

But it was interesting because I had some very preconceived notions about, for instance, evangelical Christianity, 但是这很有趣,因为我有一些先入为主的想法,例如,福音派基督教, and I found that it's such a wide and varied movement that it is difficult to make generalizations about it. 我发现这是一个广泛的风潮,很难概括解释。 There's a group I met with called the Red...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 依照圣经指导原则生活的一年(8)

Third, that thou shall have reverence. 第三,诸位应心存尊敬。 This one was unexpected because I started the year as an agnostic, 这是个意外的体会。因为我刚开始是一个不可知论者, and by the end of the year, I became what a friend of mine calls a reverent agnostic, which I love. 但是到这一年结束时,我变成一个虔敬的不可知论者。我的朋友这样叫我,我喜欢这样的称号。 And I'm tr...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 依照圣经指导原则生活的一年(7)

But this one is — the Bible says that you cannot touch women during certain times of the month, 但这一个是,圣经告诉我们在每个月的某些时间不能碰女人, and more than that, you cannot sit on a seat where a menstruating woman has sat. 更甚者–你不能坐在经期妇女曾做过的椅子。 And my wife thought this was very offensive, so she sat in every seat in our apartment, 我太...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 依照圣经指导原则生活的一年(3)

The second reason I undertook this is because I'm concerned about the rise of fundamentalism, religious fundamentalism, 第二个原因我决定这样做,是因为我对基督教基本教义的兴起有兴趣, and people who say they take the Bible literally, which is, according to some polls, as high as 45 or 50 percent of America. 很多人声称他们完全依照圣经。根据调查有百分之45或50的美国人,按着...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 依照圣经指导原则生活的一年(10)

And finally I learned that thou shall pick and choose. 然而最终,我学到:诸位应该有所选择。 And this one I learned because I tried to follow everything in the Bible. 这是因为我想要去遵循圣经上所有的东西。 And I failed miserably. Because you can't. You have to pick and choose. 然后我失败的很惨。因为你做不到。你必须有所选择, And anyone who follows the Bible is going to be...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 依照圣经指导原则生活的一年(4)

The Bible says you cannot wear clothes made of mixed fibers, so I thought, "Sounds strange, but I'll try it." 圣经上说,不能穿混合纤维的衣物。所以我想:"这听起来很奇怪,但是我要试试看。" You only know if you try it. I got rid of all my poly-cotton T-shirts. 你只知道如果你尝试它。我处理掉所有混棉的T恤。 The Bible says that if two men are in a fight, 圣...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 依照圣经指导原则生活的一年(1)

I thought I'd tell you a little about what I like to write. And I like to immerse myself in my topics. 我打算跟你们聊些我想要写作的东西。我喜欢完全投入我的研究题目。 I just like to dive right in and become sort of a human guinea pig. 我直接切入题目中,以自己为白老鼠。 And I see my life as a series of experiments. 我的生活像是一系列的实验。 So, I work for Esquire magazine...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 依照圣经指导原则生活的一年(2)

My most recent book — my previous book was called "The Know-It-All," 我最新的书–我前一本书叫做《无所不知》, and it was about the year I spent reading the Encyclopedia Britannica from A to Z in my quest to learn everything in the world, 它是关于那年我花在阅读大英百科全书,从A到Z在我探寻学习世界万物中 or more precisely from Aak, which is a type of East A...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 依照圣经指导原则生活的一年(6)

And I actually took out a handful of stones from my pocket that I had been carrying around for weeks, 然后我从口袋中拿出满手的石头,那时我已经带着这些石头几个礼拜了, hoping for just this interaction — and, you know, they were pebbles — but he grabbed them out of my hand. 期待这种情况发生–然后,你知道的,这些是小卵石–但是那个男人把石头从我手中夺走。 H...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 依照圣经指导原则生活的一年(5)

So, you know, if you want to become more compassionate, 所以,你知道的,如果你想要变得更有同情心, you visit sick people in the hospital, and you will become more compassionate. 你去医院探望生病的人,然后你会变得比较慈善。 You donate money to a cause, and you become emotionally involved in that cause. 为某慈善事业捐钱,然后你就放感情在那件事里面, So, it really was cognitive...

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