TED演讲之感动重临 一人饰演地球村内多个角色(6)

I am a working mother, and I also go to school full-time. 我是个母亲,但我同时要上班,还要全日制上学 And, you know, it's like — it's so important to have like role models out there. 要知道,能找到榜样是非常重要的 I mean, I know sometimes our lifestyles are very different, whatever. 我知道我们的生活方式很不一样 But like even at my job — like, I just got pr...

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TED演讲之感动重临 一人饰演地球村内多个角色

I should tell you that when I was asked to be here, I thought to myself that well, it's TED. 我要告诉你们当我接到大会邀请的时候,我对自己说,这可是TED呀 And these TEDsters are — you know, as innocent as that name sounds — 这些TEDsters虽然名字听起来是那么单纯而简单 these are the philanthropists and artists and scientists who sort of shape our world. 可都很不简...

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TED演讲之感动重临 一人饰演地球村内多个角色(2)

And so I've brought a couple of them with me. And well, they're very excited. 我今天把她们几个一起带来了。她们都非常激动 What I should tell you — what I should tell you is that they've each prepared their own little TED talks. 我要告诉你们,她们每个人都准备了一小段TED演讲 So feel free to think of this as Sarah University. 所以你们尽可以把这里想成是莎拉大学 ...

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TED演讲之感动重临 一人饰演地球村内多个角色(4)

You know, between the environmental degradation and the crashing of the world markets you're talking about. 比如你们说的环境恶化的问题,全球市场崩溃的问题 And of course, we know it's all because of the — all the … 当然我们都知道这一切都是因为,所有那些… Well, I don't know how else to say it to you, so I'll just say it my way: 我真不知道还能...

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TED演讲之感动重临 一人饰演地球村内多个角色(10)

But that's where we had some problems. 但问题就出在这儿 My son, he says he is not ready to get married. 我的儿子说他还不准备结婚 And he has a sweetheart, but she is American woman, not Chinese. 他有个女朋友,但她不是中国人,是美国人 It's not that it's bad, but I told him, "What's wrong with a Chinese woman?" 我不是说这下就坏事了,但我跟他说“中国姑娘...

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TED演讲之感动重临 一人饰演地球村内多个角色(11)

So, these are the words I am waiting to hear, but from my son, not my daughter. 这些话是我想听到的,但应该是从我儿子嘴里说出来,而不是我女儿 But at first I did not know what to do. 刚开始的时候,我真的不知道该怎么办 But then, over time, I have come to understand that this is who she is. 但过了一段时间,我开始明白了她真的就是这样的一个人 So, even though sometimes it's sti...

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TED演讲之感动重临 一人饰演地球村内多个角色(5)

I usually have to just like try to calm down and take a deep breath. 通常我要深呼吸让自己镇静下来 But then on top of that, you know, Sarah Jones told me we only have 18 minutes. 但更糟糕的是,莎拉琼斯告诉我,我们总共只有18分钟 So then I'm like, should I be nervous, you know, because maybe it's better. 于是我想也许我应该紧张点儿才好 And I'm just trying not to pani...

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TED演讲之感动重临 一人饰演地球村内多个角色(12)

And this roughly translates: "Please, let me hold your hand. 这段诗大致的翻译是:请让我牵你的手 I want to hold your hand. I want to hold your hand. 我想牵着你的手。我想牵着你的手 And when I touch you, I feel happy inside. 当我抚摸你时,我内心感到幸福无比 It's such a feeling that my love, I can't hide, I can't hide, I can't hide." 我亲爱的,我无法掩...

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TED演讲之感动重临 一人饰演地球村内多个角色(3)

So many others you see, they're just wonderful. It's lovely to know they're concerned, you know. 还有其他好多人,他们都很棒。得知他们(对会上讨论的这些问题)非常关注,我很高兴 And — oh, I saw Goldie Hawn. Oh, Goldie Hawn. I love her, too; she's wonderful. Yeah. 噢对,我还见到了戈尔迪霍恩。噢天哪,戈尔迪霍恩,我太喜欢她了,她真的很棒,是的 You know, she&...

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