
Ladies and gentlemen, Never before have we had so many different ways to talk to one another. In the distant past, written documents would be carried by hand across thousands of miles from China to Western Europe. Today, we access knowledge from all over the world, through our mobile phones, at the tap of a key. Wherever you are watching this programme – whether in this hall...

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人际关系交往的艺术技巧 “高山流水”是一个广为传颂的中国古典名曲,又是一个形容知己难觅、深情厚谊的标语。高山流水的历史典故是传说俞伯牙和钟子期感动世人的情谊,也道出了我们对知己的向往之情。而现代社会,我们生活在一环扣一环的人际关系网中,职场、社交、朋友、生活、家庭等各种错综复杂的人脉关系都将影响你的幸福指数。其实人际交往是一门艺术,孔子曰:“有朋自远方来,不亦...

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