奥巴马每周电视讲话:总统呼吁国会要加快步伐 帮助中产阶级

Hi, everybody. 大家好! My top priority as President is doing everything I can to create more jobs and more opportunities for hardworking families to get ahead. 作为总统,我最重要的任务就是尽我一切努力为所有辛勤付出的工薪家庭提供更多就业机会,让大家获得成功。 On Friday, we learned that our economy created over 200,000 new jobs in July. 周五发布的统计数据显示今年7月,我们创造...

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Hi, everybody. 各位好! Our businesses have now added nearly 10 million new jobs over the past 52 months. 过去52周里,我们的企业提供了差不多1000万个新就业岗位。 The unemployment rate is at its lowest point since September 2008-the fastest one-year drop in nearly 30 years. 失业率跌至2008年以来的历史新低 今年也是失业率下降最快的一年。 401(k)s are growing, fewer homes are under...

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Hi, everybody. 大家好! Over the past 52 months, our businesses have created nearly 10 million new jobs. 过去的52个月里,我们的企业一共创造了1000万个就业岗位。 The unemployment rate has fallen to its lowest point since 2008. 失业率也下降到自2008年以来的最低。 Across lots of areas-energy, manufacturing, technology-our businesses and workers are leading again. 在包括能源行业、...

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Hi, everybody. 大家好。 Whether you're firing up the grill, fired up for some college football, or filling up the car for one last summer road-trip-Happy Labor Day weekend. 无论你是准备点燃烧烤炉,还是要去大学橄榄球赛场加油助威,还是要为爱车加满油准备今夏最后一次远足,我要祝大家劳动节快乐! We set aside Labor Day to honor the working men and women of America. 我们设立劳...

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奥巴马每周电视讲话:总统讲述埃博拉病毒关键点 团结一心抗病魔

Today, I want to take a few minutes to speak with you-directly and clearly-about Ebola: what we're doing about it, and what you need to know. 今天,我想花一点时间简单明了地跟大家谈一谈埃博拉病毒。包括我们正在做的和你们所应该知道的事实。 Because meeting a public health challenge like this isn't just a job for government. 因为应对这样的公共卫生挑战不仅仅是政府的职责, ...

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Hi everybody, this week, we remained focused on our fight against Ebola. 各位好,本周,我们继续关注抗击埃博拉病魔的情况。 In Dallas, dozens of family, friends and others who had been in close contact with the first patient, Mr. Duncan, were declared free of Ebola—a reminder that this disease is actually very hard to catch. 在达拉斯,与我国首例埃博拉感染者邓肯先生有过密切接触...

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My fellow Americans, tonight I want to speak to you about what the United States will do with our friends and allies to degrade and ultimately destroy the terrorist group known as ISIL. As Commander-in-Chief, my highest priority is the security of the American people. Over the last several years, we have consistently taken the fight to terrorists who threaten our country. We...

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Ladies and gentlemen, this is Joe Biden, I'm filling in for President Obama, while he addresses the NATO summit in Wales. 女士们、先生们,我是拜登,奥巴马总统在威尔士的北约峰会上讲话时我来替他进行本周的演讲。 When the President and I took office in January of 2009, this nation was in the midst of the greatest economic crisis since the great depression. 2009年1月,在总统...

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Hi, everybody. I'm at Millennium Steel in Princeton, Indiana, to have a town hall with workers on National Manufacturing Day. Because in many ways, manufacturing is the quintessential middle-class job. And after a decade of losing jobs, American manufacturing is once again adding them-more than 700,000 over the past four and a half years. 大家好。我现在在印第安纳州普林斯...

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Hi, everybody. 大家好! Nearly six years after the worst financial crisis of our lifetimes, our businesses have added nearly 10 million new jobs over the past 53 months. 6年前,我们遭遇了此生最严重的经济危机,经过53个月的努力,我们的企业已经创造了将近1000万个就业岗位。 That's the longest streak of private-sector job creation in our history. 这是历史上私营企业所取得的最好...

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Good morning. Scripture tells us, “We count as blessed those who have persevered.” Secretary Hagel, General Dempsey, members of our Armed Forces, and, most of all, the survivors of that September day and the families of those we lost-Michelle and I are humbled to be with you once again. It has now been 13 years. Thirteen years since the peace of an American morning was broke...

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Hi, everybody.Over the past year, more than 10 million Americans have gained the financial security and peace of mind that comes with health insurance. 大家好!过去一年里,有超过1000万人获得了医疗保险,这一保障为他们带来了经济上的安全感和心理上的安定感。 More than seven million people enrolled in affordable coverage by visiting HealthCare.gov, or going to the marketplace in ...

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Hi everybody. Today, I'm at Del Sol High School, in Las Vegas, to talk with students and families about immigration. 大家好!今天,我来到了拉斯维加斯的德素高中,与这里的同学和家长们谈论移民问题。 We are a nation of immigrants. It has always given America a big advantage over other nations. It keeps our country young, dynamic, and entrepreneurial. But today, our immigrati...

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Hi, everybody. 大家好! As 2014 comes to an end, we can enter the New Year with new confidence that America is making significant strides where it counts. 2014年就要结束了,这一年我们取得了巨大的成就,籍此我们将满怀信心迎接新的一年的到来。 The steps we took nearly six years ago to rescue our economy and rebuild it on a new foundation helped make 2014 the strongest year for j...

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奥巴马每周电视讲话:退伍军人纪念日 总统向退伍军人表达敬意

Hi, everybody. 大家好。 This weekend, I depart for Asia to advance American leadership and promote American jobs in a dynamic region that will be critical to our security and prosperity in the century ahead. 本周末,我要前往亚洲参加APEC会议,提升美国的领导力,在这一经济活跃地区为美国争取就业机会,这对我们国家在这个世纪的繁荣安定至关重要。 The democracies, progress and growth...

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Hi, everybody. 大家好! On Friday, I had a discussion with working women in Rhode Island about the economic challenges they face in their own lives-challenges shared by many of you. 周五,我在罗德岛与当地的女职工讨论了她们生活中所面临的经济困难,这些困难也是大家所面临的。 Thanks to the work we've all put in, our economy has come a long way these past six years. 由于我们...

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On behalf of the Obama family-Michelle, Malia, Sasha, Bo, and Sunny-I want to wish you a very happy Thanksgiving. 我谨代表奥巴马家庭,米歇尔、玛莉亚、萨莎、波和撒尼祝大家感恩节快乐。 Like many of you, we'll spend the day with family and friends, catching up, eating some good food and watching a little football. 与大家一样,我们将在这一天与亲朋好友欢聚一堂,享受美味佳肴,...

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Hi, everybody. 大家好! This week, in my State of the Union Address, I talked about what we can do to make sure middle-class economics helps more Americans get ahead in the new economy. 本周,在我的国情咨文演讲中,我谈论了为保证中产阶级经济发展方式帮助更多美国人民在新经济环境下取得进步,我们所应该做的事情。 See, after some tough years, and thanks to some tough decisions we m...

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Hi, everybody. 大家好! At a moment when our economy is growing, our businesses are creating jobs at the fastest pace since the 1990s, and wages are starting to rise again, we have to make some choices about the kind of country we want to be. 当前我们的经济发展走势良好,我们的企业也正创造着超过上世纪90年代最高水平的工作机遇,而且工资也开始上涨,但我们要选择一下我们国家需要什...

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Hi, everybody. 大家好! About a year ago, I promised that 2014 would be a breakthrough year for America. 1年以前我曾向大家许下承诺,2014年是美国的突破之年。 And this week, we got more evidence to back that up. 而本周我们如约履行了这个承诺,有了更多证明。 In December, our businesses created 240,000 new jobs. 12月,我们的企业共创造了24万个就业岗位。 The unemployment rate fell ...

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