
President Obama and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speak to the press about Middle East peace, sanctions against Iran and other mutual issues after meeting in the White House. 【Part 1】 12:38 P.M. EDT PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, I just completed an excellent one-on-one discussion with Prime Minister Netanyahu, and I want to welcome him back to the White House. I want to, firs...

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As one of her chief responsibilities and greatest passions, the First lady has dedicated herself to helping our children grow up healthy and reversing the alarming childhood obesity trend — so the President’s signing of the the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act this morning at a local DC school was particularly meaningful for her. The President applauded the bipartis...

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奥巴马每周电台演讲:Filibustering Recovery & Obst…

The President blasts Republicans in the Senate who are blocking unemployment insurance and small business tax breaks to create jobs, even as they push for permanent, massive tax cuts for the richest Americans. Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address The White House July 17, 2010 This week, many of our largest corporations reported robust earnings – a positive sign o...

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President Obama speaks about the role government can play in encouraging innovation, rewarding ingenuity and spurring the economy in remarks at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. 【Part 1】 THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, everybody. Thank you. (Applause.) Please have a seat. Have a seat. (Applause.) Well, thank you, Harry. Thanks for giving me a chance to get out of Washington. ...

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奥巴马演讲:Assessing the BP Oil Spill Response

President Obama says that the Gulf Coast Florida is still open for vacationers and reiterates his Administration’s commitment to helping the area deal with the consequences of the Deepwater BP Oil Spill after meeting with Federal, state and local officials at the Fish Sandwich Snack Bar in Pensacola, FL. 【Transcript】 We just had a very useful discussion, and I want to than...

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奥巴马演讲:Promoting Responsible Fatherhood

President Obama announces the Fatherhood and Mentoring Initiative, a nationwide effort to support responsible fatherhood and to help reengage absentee fathers in the lives of their children at a Father’s Day event in Washington, DC. 【Part 1】 Hello! Hello, everybody! Thank you so much. Thank you. (Applause.) Thank you very much. Everybody, please have a seat. Thank you ver...

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The President reports on a busy week of progress in helping restore the economy, providing assistance to the unemployed, and building a strong and secure economic foundation for the future. 【Transcript】 THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody. Trying a little change of venue here, mix it up. I want to talk about the progress that we made this week on three fronts, as we work to re...

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President Obama and King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia speak to the press after a working lunch at the White House where they discussed security issues, Afghanistan and their shared desire to see Israelis and Palestinians live in peace. 【Transcript】 PRESIDENT OBAMA: Hello, everybody. I want to welcome His Majesty King Abdullah to the White House, and I’m very pleased to be able...

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President Obama calls on a partisan minority in the Senate to stop obstructing a bill that will provide small businesses with tax credits and better access to loans after participating in a roundtable discussion with local business owners in Seattle, WA. 【Transcript】 THE PRESIDENT: All right. Hello, everybody. I just sat down here at Grand Central Bakery with the Secretary...

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President Obama calls on Congress to take an up-or-down vote on extending unemployment benefits and to stop political maneuvering that Americans in need of assistance in limbo. 【Transcript】 THE PRESIDENT: Good morning, everybody. Right now, across this country, many Americans are sitting at the kitchen table, they’re scanning the classifieds, they’re updating their resumes...

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奥巴马演讲:A Summer of Recovery Act Projects

President Obama visits the site of the 10,000th road project funded under the Recovery Act and talks about how the Recovery Act continues to save and create jobs across the country. June 18, 2010. 【Transcript】 Good afternoon, everybody. AUDIENCE: Good afternoon. THE PRESIDENT: Well, it is great to be back in Ohio. Strickland said I’ve been in Ohio so much he might start ch...

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As the President took to the podium to discuss the Afghanistan-Pakistan Annual Review released today, he thanked all involved in the effort — from Defense Secretary Gates of Secretary of State Clinton to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Admiral Mullen, as well as the late Ambassador Richard Holbrooke. He saved his most sincere respect for our troops, however, saying, ̶...

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This morning the President took a tour of Ernest Maier Block, a family business in Maryland. Speaking afterwards, he said, “These are the guys that build serious stuff – concrete blocks, bricks for walls that are thick, difficult to move, and can stop anything in their path – sort of like the way I feel about Congress sometimes.” That joke was born out of almost 2 years in w...

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The President signs the Iran Sanctions Act, saying that the Iranian government has failed to meet its obligations under Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and reiterating that the United States stands with the Iranian people as they pursue universal rights. 【Transcript】 THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Please have a seat, everybody. Good evening, everybody. As President, one of my ...

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奥巴马每周电台演讲:Letting Wall Street Run Wild Again

Weekly Address: Letting Wall Street Run Wild Again Pointing to the foreclosure crisis and the economy, the President cites passage of Wall Street Reform over the ferocious lobbying of Wall Street banks as a pivotal acheivement — and condemns Republicans in Congress for vowing to repeal it. Remarks of President Barack Obama Saturday, October 23, 2010 Weekly Address Wash...

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President Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron settle a World Cup bet and speak to the media after meeting at the G20 Summit in Toronto, Canada. 【Transcript】 PRESIDENT OBAMA: All right, everybody set up? Careful. Don’t hurt each other. PRIME MINISTER CAMERON: — upsetting the beer, so work together here. (Laughter.) PRESIDENT OBMAA: Let me begin by say...

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奥巴马每周电台演讲:Moving Forward on the Economy..

Moving Forward on the Economy vs. Moving Backward Following the signing of historic Wall Street Reform legislation, the President lays out his plans to strengthen the middle class, give tax breaks to small businesses that create jobs here, invest in homegrown, clean energy, and cut taxes for working families. The President also contrasts that plan with the agenda outlined by...

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奥巴马演讲:President Obama on June Jobs Numbers

The President comments on the release of employment numbers for June, noting that the economy has created nearly 600,000 private sector jobs this year 【Transcript】 THE PRESIDENT: Good morning, everybody. Before I depart, I’d like to say a quick word about the state of our economy. This morning, we received the June employment report. It reflected the planned phase out of 2...

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President Obama signs into law the Manufacturing Enhancement Act of 2010 – legislation that will help American companies better compete in the global economy, create new jobs and strengthen the economy. 【Transcript】 THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Thank you very much. Everybody please have a seat. Good afternoon, everybody. Welcome to the White House. From the day I took office,...

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With the end of combat operations in Iraq days ahead, the President salutes our troops for their service and pledges to fulfill America’s commitment to them as veterans. Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address The White House August 28, 2010 On Tuesday, after more than seven years, the United States of America will end its combat mission in Iraq and take an importa...

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