
Over the last few months, I’ve been talking about a choice we face as a country. We can either settle for an economy where a few people do really well and everyone else struggles to get by, or we can build an economy where hard work pays off again – where everyone gets a fair shot, everyone does their fair share, and everyone plays by the same rules. That’s up to us. Today, ...

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For the past three and a half years, we’ve been fighting our way back from an historic economic crisis – one caused by breathtaking irresponsibility on the part of some on Wall Street who treated our financial system like a casino. 在过去的三年半中,我们一直在与一场历史性的经济危机战斗——而其原因之一就是一部分人惊人的不负责任致使我们的金融系统华尔街像一家赌场。 Not only did th...

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These guys are also young fathers, and they're doing a great—he’s got four kids. 这些家伙有的也是年轻的父亲,他们非常伟大—他有四个孩子。 He’s got two. And Michelle and I have been working a lot with military families, trying to support them. 他有两个孩子。而米歇尔和我已经为那些军人家庭做了很多工作来支持他们。 When these guys are deployed sometimes, they're leaving the...

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奥巴马总统每周电台演讲:携手并进 迎接新年

Hello, everybody. As 2011 comes to an end and we look ahead to 2012, I want to wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year. The last year has been a time of great challenge and great progress for our country. We ended one war and began to wind down another. We dealt a crippling blow to al-Qaeda and made America more secure. We stood by our friends and allies around the world ...

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Today I’m at one of Honeywell’s manufacturing facilities in Golden Valley, Minnesota, where I just announced a step that will make it easier for companies to hire returning service members who have the skills our country needs right now. 今天我在明尼苏达州金色峡谷霍尼韦尔的其中一个制造设施,我刚刚在这里宣布一项举措,这项举措将更便于企业雇佣拥有现在我们的国家需要技能的返乡工作...

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On Friday, I traveled to Ft. Stewart in Georgia to meet with soldiers from the Third Infantry Division. These men and women have fought with bravery and honor in some of the most dangerous places on the planet. Some of them didn’t make it back. But those who did are now fighting a different kind of battle here at home. They’re looking for new jobs, new opportunities, and new...

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Thank you. Thank you so much. 谢谢你们。非常感谢你们。 Thank you, Chuck, for that very kind introduction. 谢谢你,查克,谢谢你非常热情的介绍。 Chuck is a proud police officer, he’s the proud parent of a police officer, and he has dedicated his life to law enforcement and their families. 查克是一位令人骄傲的警官,他的父母因他是一位警官而感到骄傲,他把毕生精力都献给了执法和他们的...

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One of the fundamental challenges of our time is building an economy where everyone gets a fair shot, everyone does their fair share, and everyone plays by the same rules. And as many Americans rush to file their taxes this weekend, it’s worth pointing out that we’ve got a tax system that doesn’t always uphold the principle of everyone doing their part. Now, this is not just...

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奥巴马总统每周电台演讲:构建宏伟蓝图 重塑价值观

On Tuesday, in my State of the Union Address, I laid out a blueprint for an economy built to last – an economy built on American manufacturing, American energy, skills for American workers, and a renewal of American values. This week, I took that blueprint across the country, and what I saw was people who work hard and believe in each other. They believe in the America that’...

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奥巴马总统每周电台演讲:总统要求国会必须马上行动 保护中产阶级免受增税冲击

Hello Everybody. 大家好! For the past couple months, I've been working with people in both parties—with the help of business leaders and ordinary Americans—to come together around a plan to grow the economy and shrink our deficits. 在过去的两个月里,在商界领袖们与美国民众的帮助下,我与两党合作,在经济增长与削减赤字方面达成了一致的议案。 It's a balanced plan—one that...

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Well, I just want to not only welcome Secretary General Rasmussen to my hometown of Chicago — my understanding is he’s already enjoyed some of the sights, 嗯,我想不仅仅是欢迎秘书长拉斯穆森来到我的家乡芝加哥,我的理解是他喜欢这里的一些风景, and we were hearing about him jogging along the lake and appreciating the outstanding views and the skyline — but more importa...

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奥巴马总统每周电台演讲:总统敦促国会必须行动起来 帮助教师们重返工作岗位

This week, I spent some time talking with college students about how we can make higher education more affordable. 本周,我花了一些时间和大学生谈论如何才能使高等教育更能负担得起。 And one of the things I told them was how proud I was that they were making that investment in themselves – because in today’s economy, the best predictor of success is a good education. 我告诉他们...

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It has now been three months since the tragic events in Newtown, Connecticut. 自康涅狄格州新城的惨剧发生已经过去三个月。 Three months since we lost 20 innocent children and six dedicated adults who had so much left to give. 三个月前,我们失去了20名无辜的孩子和6位热心教育事业未竟的老师。 Three months since we, as Americans, began asking ourselves if we're really doing eno...

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Hi, everybody. 大家好。 This week, I went down to an Amazon warehouse in Tennessee to talk more about what we need to do to secure a better bargain for the middle class , 本周,我到访了亚马逊在田纳西州的一个仓库,谈到了如何为中产阶级提供更好的保障的问题, to make sure that anyone who works hard can get ahead in the 21st century economy. 让任何一个努力付出的人在21世纪的经济浪...

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Hi, everybody. 大家好。 In my State of the Union Address, I talked about the idea of opportunity for all. 在我的国情咨文里,我谈到了为所有人创造机会的理念。 Opportunity is the idea at the heart of this country-that no matter who you are or how you started out, with hard work and responsibility, you can get ahead. 机会是本国当前的核心理念,无论你是谁,来自哪里,只要你辛勤工作...

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Hi, everybody. 嗨,大家好! On Friday, I met with leaders of both parties in Congress to try and find a way forward in light of the severe budget cuts—known in Washington as “the sequester”—that have already started to inflict pain on communities across the country. 周五,我与国会两党领袖会面试图寻求到一种减轻大幅预算削减的方案,即华盛顿所谓的自动减支所产生的影响。而这一状况...

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Hi everybody. 大家好。 This week, because Democrats and responsible Republicans came together, the government was reopened, and the threat of default was removed from our economy. 本周,由于民主党人和有责任心的共和党人同心协力,政府又重新开放,而经济发展面临的债务违约威胁也暂时解除。 There's been a lot of discussion lately of the politics of this shutdown. 而最近关于这次...

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Hi, everybody. 大家好, Over the past few months, I've laid out a series of commonsense ideas to reignite the true engine of our economic growth: a rising, thriving middle class. 在过去的几个月里,我提出了一系列基本想法,希望重新点燃促进经济增长的希望之火:成就不断壮大、繁荣昌盛的中产阶级。 The way I see it, there are three areas where we need to focus. 在我看来,以下三个...

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Hi, everybody. 大家好。 On Thursday, I addressed a conference for business leaders from around the world. 星期二我在一场全球企业家会议上发表了一次讲话。 And my pitch was simple:Choose America. Invest in America. Create jobs in America. 我的意图简单明确:选择美国,投资美国,在美国创造就业。 It speaks to my top priority as President: growing our economy, creating good jobs, st...

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President Obama says that last night's tragedy in Colorado reminds us of all the ways that we are united as one American family, and commits the Federal government to doing whatever is necessary to bring whoever is responsible to justice and ensure the safety of all of our people. 奥巴马总统称昨晚在科罗拉多州的悲剧提醒我们我们要作为美国家庭团结成一人并表示联邦政府会尽一...

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