
And I know that these days, that can seem counterintuitive, because we live in such an instantaneous age. 我明白现在这看起来有悖于我们的本意,因为我们生活在一个瞬息万变的时代。 We want everything right away — whether it’s an Uber or your favorite TV show 我们希望立刻生效,不管是优步还是你最喜欢的电视节目, and we want it tailored to our exact prefere...

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And I’d like to begin today by reflecting on that history 今天,我想追溯历史, starting back at the time when the Army chose Tuskegee as the site of its airfield and flight school for black pilots. 从军队将塔斯基吉选为黑人飞行员的机场和飞行学校的时刻讲起。 Back then, black soldiers faced all kinds of obstacles. 当时,黑人士兵面临着各种各样的障碍。 Th...

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You all have come here from all across the country to study, to learn, maybe have a little fun along the way 你们从不同的城市来到这里求学,一路走来经历了很多有趣的事情。 from freshman year in Adams or Younge Hall to those late night food runs to The Coop. 无论是大一学年生活在亚当斯公寓或杨格公寓,还是晚上为了宵夜跑去库珀。 I did my research. To those mornings yo...

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You’ve got the knowledge and the skills honed here on this hallowed campus. 在这个神圣的校园里,你们获得了知识和技能。 You’ve got families up in the stands who will support you every step of the way. 你们有看台上的家人,他们会在漫漫长路上一如既往地支持你。 And most of all, you’ve got yourselves — and all of the heart, and grit, and smarts...

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奥巴马演讲 关于中产阶级减税和失业保险2

So with that, let me take a couple of questions. Ben Feller. Q Thank you, Mr. President. You’ve been telling the American people all along that you oppose extending the tax cuts for the wealthier Americans. You said that again today. But what you never said was that you oppose the tax cuts, but you’d be willing to go ahead and extend them for a couple years if th...

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奥巴马演讲 我相信美国3

Let me give you another example. We want to put more Americans back to work rebuilding America -– our roads, our railways, our runways. When the housing sector collapsed and the recession hit, one in every four jobs lost were in the construction industry. That’s partly why our economic plan has invested in badly needed infrastructure projects over the last 19 mon...

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奥巴马演讲 Protecting the Middle Class & the Economy

Remarks of President Barack ObamaWeekly AddressThe White HouseDecember 11, 2010 Right now, there’s a big debate taking place in Washington that will affect how much you pay in taxes next year. If Congress doesn’t act, tax rates will automatically go up for just about everyone in our country. Typical middle class families would end up paying an extra $3,000.That&r...

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奥巴马讲话 回顾取得的成就

Hi everybody. Seven years ago, the American auto industry was on the brink of collapse. Plants were closing. Hundreds of thousands of workers were getting laid off from jobs that had been their ticket to a middle-class life. And as the pain spread across the country, another one million Americans would have lost their jobs in the middle of the worst economic crisis of our li...

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奥巴马讲话 共同寻找解决方案

Hi, everybody. It's been a challenging couple weeks. The shootings in Minnesota and Baton Rouge; the protests; the targeting and murder of police officers in Dallas – it's left all of us struggling to make sense of things at times. Now, I know that for many, it can feel like the deepest fault lines of our democracy have suddenly been exposed, and even widened. ...

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奥巴马演讲 现在是在美国投资的时候了3

We recently signed export deals with India and China that will support more than 250,000 jobs here in the United States. We finalized a trade agreement with South Korea that will support at least 70,000 American jobs. And by the way, it’s a deal that has unprecedented support from business and labor, Democrats and Republicans. That’s the kind of deal that I will ...

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奥巴马讲话 同人民一起庆祝劳动节

Hi, everybody. This Labor Day weekend, as we gather with family and friends, we’ll also come together as a nation to honor some of our own-the working men and women of America who, across the generations, built this country up and helped make us who we are today. On Monday, we’ll celebrate that proud history. We’ll pay tribute to the values working American...

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奥巴马演讲 在白宫科学会展上对获奖学生的讲话1

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, everybody. Everybody, please have a seat. I am having so much fun! (Laughter.) It is great to see all of you here for our first White House Science Fair. I have been looking forward to doing this for a long time. One of the great joys of being President is getting to meet young people like all of you — and some of the folks in the other room w...

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奥巴马演讲 俄亥俄州民宅谈经济10

Q I’ve got a very general question. THE PRESIDENT: Okay, go ahead. Q It’s a very general question, here. I work on Wall Street. I was wondering what kind of changes we can expect to see in the reform in the next couple years. THE PRESIDENT: Well, here’s the essential components of Wall Street reform that we set up. Number one is that we got a — we had...

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奥巴马演讲 呼吁通过《美国工作法案》

Hello, everyone. It’s been almost three weeks since I sent the American Jobs Act to Congress – three weeks since I sent them a bill that would put people back to work and put money in people’s pockets. This jobs bill is fully paid for. This jobs bill contains the kinds of proposals that Democrats and Republicans have supported in the past. And now I want it...

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PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, it’s a pleasure to welcome President Lobo to the White House, and this gives us an opportunity to reaffirm the friendship between the American and the Honduran people. Not only has Honduras been a traditionally close partner with the United States, but the people-to-people relationship is profound(深厚的) , particularly given the Honduran-Ameri...

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奥巴马演讲 No Corporate Takeover of Our Country

Remarks of President Barack ObamaWeekly AddressAugust 21, 2010 As the political season heats up, Americans are already being inundated(淹没) with the usual phone calls, mailings, and TV ads from campaigns all across the country. But this summer, they’re also seeing a flood of attack ads run by shadowy groups with harmless-sounding names. We don’t know who&rsquo...

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奥巴马演讲 祝大家复活节和逾越节快乐

For millions of Americans, this weekend is a time to celebrate redemption(赎回,拯救) at God’s hand. Tonight, Jews will gather for a second Seder, where they will retell the story of the Exodus. And tomorrow, my family will join Christians around the world as we thank God for the all-important gift of grace through the resurrection(复活,恢复) of His son, and exper...

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奥巴马演讲 我们需要帮忙每个孩子进步2

Now, over these last few weeks, during what we’ve called Education Month around the White House, I’ve been traveling across the country talking with folks about education. In fact, we’ve actually been doing that for the last couple of years. And what I’ve heard, what Arne has heard, what the rest of my team has heard loud and clear from teachers and s...

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