奥巴马演讲 Moving Forward on the Economy

Remarks of President Barack ObamaAs Prepared for Delivery Weekly AddressThe White HouseJuly 24, 2010 This week, I signed into law a Wall Street reform bill that will protect consumers and our entire economy from the recklessness(鲁莽,轻率) and irresponsibility that led to the worst recession of our lifetime. It’s reform that will help put a stop to the abusive(辱骂...

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奥巴马讲话 健康生活 走出毒瘾阴霾

Hi, everybody. I've got a special guest with me this week-Macklemore. For those of you who don't share the same love[i] for hip-hop, he's a Grammy-winning artist-but he's also an advocate who's giving voice to a disease we too often just whisper about: the disease of addiction. Hey, everybody. I'm here with President Obama because I take this personal...

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奥巴马演讲 奥巴马夫妇圣诞节祝词

THE PRESIDENT: Hi everyone. As you gather with family and friends this weekend, Michelle, Malia, Sasha and I – and of course Bo – want to wish you all Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. THE FIRST LADY: This is such a wonderful time of year. It’s a time to honor the story of love and redemption(拯救,偿还) that began 2,000 years ago … a time to see...

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奥巴马讲话 致敬逝去英雄

Hi, everybody.This weekend is Memorial Day — a time to pay tribute to all our men and women in uniform who’ve ever given their lives so that we can live in freedom and security. This year, the holiday is especially meaningful.It’s the first Memorial Day since our war ended in Afghanistan. On Monday, at Arlington Cemetery, I’ll join our Gold Star famil...

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奥巴马讲话 遵守同样的秩序规则

Hi everybody. Over the past seven years, we haven't just been recovering from crisis, we've been rebuilding our economy on a new foundation for growth-growth that benefits everybody, not just folks at the top. Our businesses have created jobs for 73 straight months-14.4 million new jobs in all. We've covered another 20 million Americans with health insurance. We&...

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奥巴马讲话 促成全面伊朗核协议计划

This week, together with our allies and partners, we reached an historic understanding with Iran, which, if fully implemented, will prevent it from obtaining a nuclear weapon and make our country, our allies, and our world safer. This framework is the result of tough, principled diplomacy. It’s a good deal-a deal that meets our core objectives, including strict limitat...

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奥巴马讲话 为每个学生创造机会 掌握计算机技能

Hi everybody. As I said in my State of the Union address, we live in a time of extraordinary change-change that’s affecting the way we live and the way we work. New technology replaces any job where work can be automated. Workers need more skills to get ahead. These changes aren’t new, and they’re only going to accelerate. So the question we have to ask our...

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奥巴马演讲 共同努力解决财政赤字

Hi, everybody. Over the last few years, Democrats and Republicans have come together and cut our deficit by more than $2.5 trillion through a balanced mix of spending cuts and higher tax rates for the wealthiest Americans. That’s more than halfway towards the $4 trillion in deficit reduction that economists and elected officials from both parties say we need to stabili...

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奥巴马讲话 呼吁国会尽快通过预算方案

Hi, everybody. Yesterday, we learned that our businesses created another 118, 000 new jobs in September. That makes 67 straight months of job creation, and 13. 2 million new jobs in all. But we would be doing even better if we didn’t have to keep dealing with crises in Congress every few months. And especially at a time when the global economy is softening, our own gro...

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奥巴马讲话 就伊朗核协议发表讲话

This week, the United States and our international partners finally achieved something that decades of animosity has not – a deal that will prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. This deal will make America and the world safer and more secure. Still, you’re going to hear a lot of overheated and often dishonest arguments about it in the weeks ahead. So toda...

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奥巴马演讲 呼吁通过运输法案与学生贷款

Over the past three years, we’ve been clawing our way back from the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes. And we know it will take longer than any of us would like to fully recover all the jobs and savings that have been lost. But there are things we can do—right now—to help put people back to work and make life a little easier for middle-class families. ...

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Hi. As you’ve probably noticed, I’m not the President. I’m just a citizen. And as a citizen, I’m here at the White House today because I want to make a difference and I hope you will join me. My name is Francine Wheeler. My husband David is with me. We live in Sandy Hook, Connecticut. David and I have two sons. Our older son Nate, soon to be 10 years ...

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奥巴马演讲 新的一年继续推动经济持续增长

Happy New Year! Everybody. This week, I traveled to Cleveland, Ohio, to talk with folks about the biggest challenge we face as a country – rebuild our economy so that, once again, hard work pays off, responsibility is rewarded, and anyone, regardless of who they are or where they come from, can make it if they try. That’s the economy America deserves. That’...

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奥巴马讲话 在9/11周年纪念仪式上的讲话

Good morning. Scripture tells us, "We count as blessed those who have persevered." Secretary Hagel, General Dempsey, members of our Armed Forces, and, most of all, the survivors of that September day and the families of those we lost-Michelle and I are humbled to be with you once again. It has now been 13 years. Thirteen years since the peace of an American morning...

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奥巴马演讲 the End of the Combat Mission in Iraq 1

THE PRESIDENT: Good evening. Tonight, I’d like to talk to you about the end of our combat mission in Iraq, the ongoing security challenges we face, and the need to rebuild our nation here at home. I know this historic moment comes at a time of great uncertainty for many Americans. We’ve now been through nearly a decade of war. We’ve endured(忍耐,忍受) a ...

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奥巴马演讲 关于新的国家安全条约2

My administration is also prepared to go the extra mile to ensure that our remaining stockpile(库存,积蓄) and nuclear infrastructure is modernized — which I know is a key concern of many around this table and also many on Capitol Hill. We’ve committed to invest $80 billion on the effort to modernize over the next decade. And based on our consultations with Sen...

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奥巴马演讲 众议院必须通过两党联合交通法案

Hello. This week, I traveled across the country to talk about my all-of-the-above energy strategy for America – a strategy where we produce more oil and gas here at home, but also more biofuels and fuel-efficient cars; more solar power and wind power and other sources of clean, renewable energy. Now, you wouldn’t know it by listening to some of the folks running ...

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奥巴马演讲 要公平地对待中产阶级

Today, America faces a make-or-break moment for the middle class. After the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes, some still want to return to the same policies that got us into this mess. They’re the same policies that have stacked the deck(预先设定) against working Americans for too long. They’re part of a philosophy that says we’re better off when ev...

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奥巴马演讲 与卡梅伦会晤后答记者问2

This is not an easy fight. But it is a necessary one. Terrorists trained in Afghanistan and the tribal regions along the Pakistani border have killed innocent civilians in both of our countries. And an even wider insurgency in Afghanistan would mean an even larger safe haven for al Qaeda and its terrorist affiliates to(使隶属于) plan their next attack. And we are not going...

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奥巴马讲话 各国面对的经济挑战3

David Muir. Q Thank you, Mr. President. I’m curious what you would say to Americans back home who’ve watched their 401(k)s recover largely when the bailout seemed a certainty, and then this week with the brand new political tumult in Greece, watched themselves lose essentially what they had gained back. You mentioned you’re confident in the bailout plan. Ar...

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