奥巴马每日发言Weekly Address(2009.8.08)

Prepared Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address Saturday, August 8th, 2009 On Friday, we received better news than we expected about the state of our economy. We learned that we lost 247,000 jobs in July – some 200,000 fewer jobs lost than in June, and far fewer than the nearly 700,000 a month we were losing at the beginning of the year. Of course, this is little c...

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President Obama’s Fourth of July Message 奥巴马总统发表独立纪念日献词 THE WHITE HOUSE, WASHINGTON July 4, 2009 白宫,华盛顿 2009年7月4日 Today, we are called upon to remember not only the day our country was born, but also the indomitable spirit of the first American citizens who made that day possible. We are called to remember how unlikely it was that our American experime...

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奥巴马每周电台演讲:Learning from History to Reform Wall

The President explains that while he continues to focus on jobs, it is also profoundly important to address the problems that created this economic mess in the first place. He commends the House of Representatives for passing reforms to our financial system, including a new Consumer Financial Protection Agency, and blasts Republican Leaders and financial industry lobbyists f...

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奥巴马演讲:A Message for the New Year from the&

The President offers his best wishes for the New Year, recorded on December 22nd before he left Washington: Good evening. Tonight, as Americans across the country gather with family and friends, I want to wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year. This is always a hopeful time, as we celebrate the end of one year and the beginning of another. And while 2009 was difficult fo...

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Remarks by US President Barack Obama at Town Hall Meeting with Future Chinese Leaders Museum of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China November 16, 2009 美国总统奥巴马在上海与中国青年对话实录 中国上海 科技馆 2009年11月16日 [杨玉良]让我们大家用热烈的掌声欢迎美国总统奥巴马先生。各位来宾、各位朋友,同学们,请让我自我介绍一下,我是杨玉良,复旦大学的校长。 今天请来美利坚合众国总...

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奥巴马每日发言:A Challenge for America

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Please, have a seat. Thank you. Thank you, MIT. (Applause.) I am — I am hugely honored to be here. It’s always been a dream of mine to visit the most prestigious school in Cambridge, Massachusetts. (Applause.) Hold on a second — certainly the most prestigious school in this part of Cambridge, Massachusetts. (Laughter.) An...

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奥巴马每日发言Remarks by The President on The Economy

REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT ON THE ECONOMY THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon, everybody. I’d like to say a few words about the state of our economy, and what we’re doing to put Americans back to work and build a new foundation for growth. Last week, we received a report on America’s Gross Domestic Product — a key measure of our economic’s [sic] health ...

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Renewing American Competitiveness 重塑美国竞争力 RENEWING AMERICAN COMPETITIVENESS June 16, 2008 | Flint, Michigan It’s great to be at Kettering—a university that is teaching the next generation of leaders and training workers to have the skills they need to advance their own careers and communities. For months, the state of our economy has dominated the headlines—and the ne...

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奥巴马演讲视频:The New Way Forward-The President's Address

演讲文本 THE PRESIDENT: Good evening. To the United States Corps of Cadets, to the men and women of our Armed Services, and to my fellow Americans: I want to speak to you tonight about our effort in Afghanistan — the nature of our commitment there, the scope of our interests, and the strategy that my administration will pursue to bring this war to a successful conclusi...

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奥巴马每周电台演说:Progress in the Global Economy

Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address The White House September 19, 2009 Weekly Address: Progress in the Global Economy from White House on Vimeo. 演讲文本: Leaders of the world’s largest economies will gather next week in Pittsburgh for the second time this year. The first meeting of the G-20 nations in April came at the height of the global financial crisis – a ...

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Remarks by US President Barack Obama at Town Hall Meeting with Future Chinese Leaders Museum of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China November 16, 2009 美国总统奥巴马在上海与中国青年对话实录 中国上海 科技馆 2009年11月16日 [杨玉良]让我们大家用热烈的掌声欢迎美国总统奥巴马先生。各位来宾、各位朋友,同学们,请让我自我介绍一下,我是杨玉良,复旦大学的校长。 今天请来美利坚合众国总...

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A More Perfect Union 塑造一个更加完美的合众国 ( 2008年3月18日,宾夕法尼亚州费城) A MORE PERFECT UNION March 18, 2008 | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania “We the people, in order to form a more perfect union.” Two hundred and twenty-one years ago, in a hall that still stands across the street, a group of men gathered and, with these simple words, launched America’s improbable exper...

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12:58分奥巴马进入对话现场。 [杨玉良] 让我们大家用热烈的掌声欢迎美国总统奥巴马先生。 Please give a warm applause to welcome President Barack Obama. 各位来宾、各位朋友,同学们,请让我自我介绍一下,我是杨玉良,复旦大学的校长。 Distinguished guests, friends, ladies and gentlemen, 今天请来美利坚合众国总统奥巴马先生,他在对中国进行国事访问的同时,然后来到这里,而且我非常高兴作为主...

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President Obama On Winning the Nobel Peace Prize In reacting to the news this morning that he had won the Nobel Peace Prize, the President struck a note of humility and recognized that the award was a nod to a vision of what is to come: THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Well, this is not how I expected to wake up this morning. After I received the news, Malia walked in and said, ...

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奥巴马演讲:Hearing from the Kennedy Center Honorees

Hearing from the Kennedy Center Honorees It’s not every day, even around here, that such renowned personalities visit 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. On Sunday, the President and First Lady hosted a reception for this year’s Kennedy Center Honorees: Dave Brubeck, Mel Brooks, Grace Bumbry, Robert DeNiro, and Bruce Springsteen. Together, they represent a remarkable spec...

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New Hampshire Primary Night Night 新罕布什尔州初选之夜 (2008年1月8日,新罕布什尔州纳舒厄市) NEW HAMPSHIRE PRIMARY NIGHT January 8, 2008 | Nashua, New Hampshire I want to congratulate Senator Clinton on a hard-fought victory here in New Hampshire. A few weeks ago, no one imagined that we’d have accomplished what we did here tonight. For most of this campaign, we were far beh...

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奥巴马演讲:Remarks by The President Honoring Jimmie Joh

REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT HONORING 2008 NASCAR SPRINT CUP CHAMPION JIMMIE JOHNSON THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon, everyone. Please have a seat. Welcome to the White House. Just before I begin, there are a couple of acknowledgements I want to make. First of all, we’ve got some Wounded Warriors from Walter Reed and National Naval Medical Center, and I want everybody to giv...

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奥巴马演讲:Here's What's Sexy About It: Saving&nb

The President on Retrofitting Buildings: “Here’s What’s Sexy About It: Saving Money” Yesterday the Vice President sent a memo (pdf) to the President demonstrating how the new foundation for a clean energy economy has been laid this year. The memo is thorough and solid – take a look to get a shapshot of how the future will unfold as a result of the inv...

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奥巴马演讲:"Stronger, Smarter, and Swifter Defenses"

“Stronger, Smarter, and Swifter Defenses” This morning, upon recommendation from the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the President announced a new approach to missile defense in Europe. This new approach is based on an assessment of the Iranian missile threat, and a commitment to deploy technology that is proven, cost-effective, and adaptable ...

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2009年11月16日美国总统奥巴马在上海与中国青年对话。以下为奥巴马回答现场和网友提问实录: So — I just want to make sure this works. This is a tradition, by the way, that is very common in the United States at these town hall meetings. And what we’re going to do is I will just — if you are interested in asking a question, you can raise your hands. I will call o...

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