
That's how good Marvel was at selling superheroes. 这体现了漫威是出色的英雄卖家。 Last year, they released a film called "Guardians of the Galaxy." 去年,他们发售了一部名叫《银河守护者》的影片。 It's a film that absolutely should not work. 这是一部绝不可能火的影片, Nobody knew who they were except for comic book nerds like me. 因为除了像我这样的漫画书呆子...

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Even though she has never seen "Game of Thrones," primarily because we are not the worst parents who ever lived. 即使她未曾看过《权利的游戏》,主要是因为我们并不是最糟的父母。 But she knows there's someone called the Mother of Dragons, and she calls herself that and she loves it. 但她知道有人叫做龙母,她也自称龙母并怡然自得。 She's a huge comic book fan. Ri...

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Since 1937, Disney has made most of its money selling princesses to girls. 从1937年开始,迪士尼就通过向女孩儿们出售公主玩偶赚钱。 It's made a huge chunk of its money. 他们为此大赚了一笔。 Unless, of course, the princess your daughter is interested in, as my daughter is, is this one. 当然,除非你的女儿和我的女儿一样,喜欢这样的角色。 See, in 2012, Disney purchased LucasFi...

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It's, in short, how we learn what we know about other people and about the world. 简而言之,那就是我们如何了解到,我们对于其他人的认知,以及我们对于全世界的认知。 But we live in a 100-percent media-saturated society. 但是我们生活在一个媒体无处不在的社会中。 What that means is that every single aspect of your human existence 也就是说,人类在基本生理机能之外的 outside of y...

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I spend most of my time thinking about little girls, 我生活中的大部分时间都在思考关于小女孩的事情, which is kind of a weird thing for a grown man in our society to say. 这对于当今社会一位成年男性而言未免有些奇怪。 But I do. I spend most of my time thinking about little girls, 但是我确实花了大量时间在思考小女孩的事, and I think it's primarily because I have one. 我想主...

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Now, I could have taken to Twitter with the hashtag #WheresGamora, like millions of fans did across the world, 现在,我可以在Twitter上发#加美拉去哪儿了,就像世界各地成千上万的粉丝们一样。 but the truth was I wasn't even really that surprised, 但事实上,我并不对此感到惊讶, because I was there when Disney had released "The Avengers." 因为当迪斯尼播出《复仇者联...

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I'm not raising a little boy, like Mike. 我没有抚养过像Mike这样的小男孩儿。 Mike is a little boy in Florida. He's 11 years old, Mike是弗罗里达州的一名小男孩儿,他今年11岁。 and the thing that he loves most in the world is a show called "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic," 他在这个世界上最喜欢的东西,和美国其他成千上万的孩子们一样, like millions of other ...

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And please buy them. And don't just buy them for your daughters, buy them for your sons. 请购买它们吧。不要只买给你们的女儿们,也买给儿子们吧。 Because it's important that boys play with and as female superheroes 因为男孩们玩儿女版超人玩具, just as my daughter plays with and as male superheroes. 就和我女儿玩男版一样意义重大。 As a matter of fact, what I would love i...

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I mean, over the next five years, Disney and Warner Bros. and a bunch of movie studios 我的意思是,在未来的五年当中,迪士尼和华纳兄弟公司,还有一群电影工作室 are going to release over 30 feature-length films with comic book characters, 将会推出超过30部基于漫画形象的全长电影。 and of those 30 feature-length films, exactly two of them will have female solo leads. Two. 在这超过...

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These six companies produce nine out of every 10 movies you watch, 这六家公司制作了你所接触过的90%的电影, nine out of every 10 television shows, nine out of every 10 songs, nine out of every 10 books. 90%的电视节目,90%的歌曲,90%的书籍。 So my question to you is, if six companies control 90 percent of American media, 所以我要问你们的是,如果六家公司控制着全美国百分之九十的...

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We have to stop. 我们必须停止。 And when I was putting this together, people said to me, 当我这么说的时候,一些人回复我说: "Well, that's never going to happen." And I said, "Oh really?" “好吧,但那绝不可能发生。”然后我说:“是吗?” Because just this year, Target announced that they were going to stop gendering their toy aisles. 因为就在今年,塔吉特宣...

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于莺,女,37岁,北京协和医院急诊科主治医师。 2011年10月7日,于莺开通了名为“急诊科女超人于莺”的新浪微博,每天与网友分享医院的趣事、生活中的事,深受大家喜爱。她的微博创下了只用一个多月便拥有近40万粉丝的奇迹,她本人也被大家亲切地称为“协和姐”。 在如今医患关系紧张的社会,“协和姐”是如何把欢乐带给病人的呢?她又是如何摆脱“冷酷无情”的医生面孔,成为乐活女超人的呢? 从吵架萝莉到“零”纠...

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