TED演讲之幕后揭秘 艾布拉姆斯之神秘的盒子(1)

I want to start today…… here's my thing. Hold on. There I go. Hey. I want to start today — talk about the structure of a polypeptide. 我今天要说的,就是……稍等。行了。嘿,我今天要说的,是关于多肽化合物的组织结构。 I get a lot of people asking me, in terms of "Lost," you know, "What the hell's that island?" 有很多人问我,关于电视剧《迷失》, “...

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TED演讲之幕后揭秘 艾布拉姆斯之神秘的盒子(6)

Come on. "Why? 'Cause I need it"? Best scene ever, right? Come on! 拜托,“为什么?因为我想亲你?”最妙的场景,对吗? 拜托! So you think of "Jaws" — so that's the kind of stuff that, like, you know — the investment of character, which is the stuff that really is inside the box, you know? 你觉得《大白鲨》--就是这一类的东西,你知道,角...

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TED演讲之幕后揭秘 艾布拉姆斯之神秘的盒子(5)

Have you guys not seen that? It's huge! Anyway — So there's this thing with mystery boxes that I started feeling compelled. 你们就没有发现吗?它太明显了!不管怎么说--因此我的神秘盒子让我开始感觉,像是被迫的感觉。 Then there's the thing of mystery in terms of imagination — the withholding of information. 然后这样的事就像是,想像力的神秘--拒绝把信息...

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TED演讲之幕后揭秘 艾布拉姆斯之神秘的盒子(8)

When I did "Mission: Impossible III," we had amazing visual effects. ILM did the effects; it was incredible. 当我完成《碟中谍3》的时候,我们有很令人吃惊的视觉特效。ILM做的特效;那效果真难以置信! And sort of my dream to be involved. And there are a couple of sequences in the movie, like these couple of moments I'll show you. There's that. 有点像我的一个梦。...

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TED演讲之幕后揭秘 艾布拉姆斯之神秘的盒子(4)

Now, 10 years ago, if we wanted to do that, we'd have to kill a stuntman. 好,10年前我们如果要拍这个,估计得弄死这哥们。 It would be harder. Take two would be a bitch. 那肯定很难拍,如果我喊重拍一次那简直是人渣。 So the amazing thing was, we were able to do this thing. And part of that was the amazing availability of technology, knowing we could do anything. 而现在,我们...

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TED演讲之幕后揭秘 艾布拉姆斯之神秘的盒子(7)

I was going to show you a couple of other things I'm going to skip. 我要给你看一些其它的东西,把这段略去。 I'll show you one other thing that has nothing to do with anything. 我只是想让你看另一个东西,和任何事都没啥关联。 This is something online; six years ago, they did this. This is an online thing done by guys who had some visual effects experience. 这是在线的一个...

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TED演讲之幕后揭秘 艾布拉姆斯之神秘的盒子(3)

Now, I bought this decades ago and I'm not kidding. If you look at this, you'll see it's never been opened. 我几十年前买的这个,我不是开玩笑的。但我从来没有打开过它。 But I've had this forever. Now, I was looking at this, it was in my office, as it always is, on the shelf, and I was thinking, why have I not opened this? 已经很久了。现在它还在我的办公室,一直...

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TED演讲之幕后揭秘 艾布拉姆斯之神秘的盒子(9)

There are three things you don't want to do. Number two is: Don't hurt Tom's nose. 有三件事情绝对不能干。第二条就是:别弄伤汤姆克鲁斯的鼻子。 So Eddie has this gun — and he's this sweet English guy. He's like, "Sorry, I don't want to hurt you." 所以Eddie拿着这把枪-他也是个好人-他就像非常贴心的英国男人。他说:“抱歉,我不想伤害你。” I&...

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TED演讲之幕后揭秘 艾布拉姆斯之神秘的盒子(2)

It's a beautiful thing. I swear to God. I mean, when you look at the box and you sort of see how it works. 它真美。我发誓,当你看着盒子的时候,你就好像知道它如何运作的。 Rives is here, and I met him years ago at a book fair; he does pop-up books. And I'm obsessed with engineering of paper. 里夫斯在这,我几年前在一个书展上认识他,他是做立体书的。我痴迷于纸张工程。 But...

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从现在到开学前的两个多月里,准小学生们又该做些什么准备呢? “没必要刻意去做大量识字、学算术、学外语这样的学科知识准备,要让孩子轻轻松松地进小学。”教育专家们表示,在幼升小的当口,家长们要善于管住自己的嘴巴,有些话最好不要说。 忌语一:“进了小学就没有幼儿园里那么开心了,老师会狠狠地收你们骨头的。” 孩子从以养为主的幼儿园生活转为以学为主的小学阶段,会经历一...

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