智慧人生篇章 (31)纸质媒体与电子媒体之争

These well-informed young people had a very modest interest in the print media. Unlike me, they didn’t feel their day was incomplete without reading a newspaper.Total newspaper circulation has been declining by roughly a million copies each year. And yet a review of the main stories in the national papers continues to be a regular feature of this programme. Items in b...

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最近市场上充斥着公司道歉的新闻,但是所有这些道歉给人的感觉是高管们反应迅速以避免相关事件对公司声誉产生损害。在沃顿商学院的教授们看来,虽然并非所有公司危机的程度相当,但处理这些事件都有统一的原则和方法。 因此,公司应该在数小时内而非数天后作出回应。公司的回应包括通过多种媒体发表经过深思熟虑的道歉词,并且提出部分补救措施以避免事件再次发生。 危机的3种类型 因为并非所有危机情况都...

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