
I actually realized once in Kosovo, 有一次我去了科索沃 when I watched a man break down, 看到一个男人倒下 that bullets are actually hardened tears, 忽然间想到,原来子弹就是硬化的泪珠啊 that when we don't allow men to have their girl self 当我们不允许男人怀有女孩细胞 and have their vulnerability, and have their compassion, 不允许他们任何的脆弱或同情 and have their hearts, ...

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And what I want to suggest is that, 我想提出的一个想法是 having talked to girls, because I just finished a new book called 我们,都来跟女孩开展对话。 "I Am an Emotional Creature: The Secret Life of Girls Around the World," 我最近写,了一本书,叫《我是一个情感动物:全球女孩秘密故事》 I've been talking to girls for five years, 过去五年,我一直在跟女孩对话 and one...

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In that hut, we walked in, 我们走进那间小草屋 and her father and his four wives were sitting there, 她的父亲和四个妻子坐在那里 and her sisters who had just returned because 她的姐妹们也回来了, they had all fled when she had fled, 她们也跟她一同离家出走的 and her primary mother, who had been beaten 还有她的母亲, in standing up for her with the elders. 她曾因站在她的一边而被...

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In Kenya, in August, 今年8月,在肯尼亚 I went to visit one of the V-Day safe houses for girls, 我参观了一个专门为女孩开设的V日安全避难所 a house we opened seven years ago 那是我们7年前设立的 with an amazing woman named Agnes Pareyio. 跟我一起设立这个避难所的还有一个叫艾格尼丝的妇女 Agnes was a woman who was cut when she was a little girl, 艾格尼丝在她还很小的时候就被强迫割礼...

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This is for her: 这是献给她的: I love being a girl. 我热爱当女孩。 I can feel what you're feeling 我可以体会你的情感 as you're feeling inside the feeling before. 体会你刚才体会到的情感 I am an emotional creature. 我是一个情感动物 Things do not come to me as intellectual theories 认识这个世界,我靠的不是知识理论 or hard-pressed ideas. 或抽象的概念 They pulse through ...

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这是一位近不惑之年的女士,一张清秀的长脸,布着过多的皱纹,忧郁的眼睛吐露着她内心的苦楚。咨询师给她沏了一杯茶。她出于礼貌,微微地呷了一口,便奏起她的心曲: “我的女儿今年12岁,小学就要毕业,性格内向,学习成绩好,多次被评为三好学生,老师说她很懂事,可是,她在家里却不时出现一些叫人无法理解的行为。就拿上星期她爸出门的事来说吧,她不让她爸离家,她爸刚一走,她就丧魂落魄,坐立...

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暑假来临,青少年暑期安全问题越来越受到家长、学校和社会的重视。放假以来,市青少年公共服务热线12355相关咨询量不断上升,其中关于少女如何保护自己,在假期中避免遭遇“大灰狼”、青少年团体活动时怎样预防一时冲动,团体犯罪,都成为咨询的热点。 针对这一类社会问题,12355上海青少年公共服务平台携手东广都市792《东方大律师》栏目、解放军411医院 “少女意外怀孕求助热线”等...

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