
And passing a budget that will make sure all of America's priorities are funded without resorting to shutdown threats and last-minute gimmicks. 投票通过预算确保所有美国的优先事项投资到位无停摆威胁临近最后一刻的尴尬。 And none of this list even includes some other big priority that should get done. 列表中还没有包括其他一些应该完成的高优先级的事项。 It's been almost a ...

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Hi, everybody. I've delivered a few hundred of these weekly addresses over the years. 嗨,大家好。这些年来我已经做了数百次周末例行演讲了。 And you may have noticed a theme that pops up pretty often: 你可能已经注意到一个主题出现得相当频繁: The Republicans who run this Congress aren't doing their jobs. 控制这届国会的共和党人无所作为。 Well, guess what? Congress recent...

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