
He walked faster, right? 他走得快一点了,是吧? I call this the staircase illusion, 我把它称为阶梯假象, and actually when the staircase illusion abruptly ended, he froze, and this is called freezing of gait. 实际上,当阶梯假象突然结束了,他就会停住了,这叫做步态冻结。 So it happens a lot, so why not have a staircase illusion flowing through all their rooms, 这经常发生,那为...

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In India, we have these huge families. 印度有很多大家族。 I bet a lot of you all must have heard about it. 相信大家有所耳闻。 Which means that there are a lot of family events. 大家族就有很多大型家族活动。 So as a child, my parents used to drag me to these family events. 我小的时候常被父母拖过去参加。 But the one thing that I always looked forward to was playing around with ...

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All this while, I was interviewing him, questioning him, 这一阵我一直在采访他,询问他, and then I realized that I was getting very superficial information, or just answers to my questions. 后来我发现我只得到了很表面的信息,或只是简单地回答我问的问题。 But I really needed to dig deeper to get a new perspective. 但我真的需要再深入一点,看能不能理出新的头绪。 So I thought, wel...

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And he's not the only one in the world. 他并不孤单。 Every year, 60,000 people are newly diagnosed with Parkinson's, and this number is only rising. 每年60000人被新诊断为帕金森综合征,而且以后会更多。 As designers, we dream that our designs solve these multifaceted problems, 作为设计者,我们希望我们的设计可以解决多方面的问题, one solution that solves it all, but it ...

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