奥巴马每周电视讲话:总统呼吁国会要加快步伐 帮助中产阶级

Hi, everybody. 大家好! My top priority as President is doing everything I can to create more jobs and more opportunities for hardworking families to get ahead. 作为总统,我最重要的任务就是尽我一切努力为所有辛勤付出的工薪家庭提供更多就业机会,让大家获得成功。 On Friday, we learned that our economy created over 200,000 new jobs in July. 周五发布的统计数据显示今年7月,我们创造...

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Hi, everybody. 大家好! At a moment when our economy is growing, our businesses are creating jobs at the fastest pace since the 1990s, and wages are starting to rise again, we have to make some choices about the kind of country we want to be. 当前我们的经济发展走势良好,我们的企业也正创造着超过上世纪90年代最高水平的工作机遇,而且工资也开始上涨,但我们要选择一下我们国家需要什...

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