美文阅读 (431)上了年纪

On Aging — Maya Angelou 上了年纪–玛雅·安吉洛 When you see me sitting quietly like a sack left on the shelf 当你看到我就那么静静地坐着,如同一个空空的麻袋颓然垂放在架子上 Don't think I need your chattering 可别觉得我需要你的唠叨 I'm listening to myself 我只是在思考 Hold! Stop! Don't pity me! 你可省省吧,我不需要你的怜悯! Hold! Stop your sympathy! 别,...

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This is not my opinion. These are the facts. 这不是我的观点。这是事实。 We know that 80 percent of life's most defining moments take place by age 35. 我们知道一个人的一生中的80%的最重要的时刻发生在35岁。 That means that eight out of 10 of the decisions and experiences and "Aha!" moments that make your life what it is will have happened by your mid-30s. 这就意味...

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Okay, now that sounds a little flip, but make no mistake, the stakes are very high. 好吧,刚才那听起来可能有一点轻浮,但是别搞错,在这里筹码非常高。 When a lot has been pushed to your 30s, there is enormous thirtysomething pressure to jump-start a career, 当很多事情被推到三十几岁再做时,在你的三十岁这个阶段就有在极短的时间内开始一个职业, pick a city, partner up, and have tw...

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Second, I told Emma that the urban tribe is overrated. 其次,我告诉Emma城市部落被高估了。 Best friends are great for giving rides to the airport, 找好朋友来搭车至机场很棒, but twentysomethings who huddle together with like-minded peers limit who they know, 但二十几岁的人若和思维方式相似的同龄人聚在一起,他们所知道的人, what they know, how they think, how they speak, and wh...

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When I was in my 20s, I saw my very first psychotherapy client. 当我20几岁时,我见到了我的第一个需要精神疗法的病人。 I was a Ph.D. student in clinical psychology at Berkeley. 当时我是一个在伯克利大学读临床心理学的Ph.D学生。 She was a 26-year-old woman named Alex. 她是一位叫Alex的26岁女性。 Now Alex walked into her first session wearing jeans and a big slouchy top, 第一次会面...

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As a culture, we have trivialized what is actually the defining decade of adulthood. 作为一种文化,我们把实际上是成人期中最重要的一个十年列为不重要的东西。 Leonard Bernstein said that to achieve great things, you need a plan and not quite enough time. Isn't that true? 伦纳德·伯恩斯坦说过如果想办成大事,就需要一个计划和不足够的时间。这不对吗? So what do you think happens...

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That's what psychologists call an "Aha!" moment. 这就是心理学家们所说的“原来如此!”瞬间。 That was the moment I realized, 30 is not the new 20. 在那一瞬间,我明白了三十岁并不是新的二十岁。 Yes, people settle down later than they used to, but that didn't make Alex's 20s a developmental downtime. 没错,人们比以前更晚安顿下来,但这并不说明Alex的二十几岁这...

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Well one day, Emma comes in and she hangs her head in her lap, and she sobbed for most of the hour. 有一天,Emma走进来,把头放在膝盖上,然后哭了近一个小时。 She'd just bought a new address book, and she'd spent the morning filling in her many contacts, 她刚买了一个新的地址薄,然后她花了一个上午填她的联系人, but then she'd been left staring at that empty blank th...

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